Bubble Group Case Studies ComidX: Revolutionizing Restaurant Promotions with IoT
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ComidX: Revolutionizing Restaurant Promotions with IoT

Bubble Group
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Databases
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Sales & Marketing
Building Automation & Control
ComidX, a web-based app, was developed to consolidate promotions and discounts from various restaurants in Yucatan, Mexico. The challenge was to create a platform that would allow users to easily access and choose from a variety of restaurant promotions in one place, rather than having to navigate through multiple social media platforms. The founder, Sergio Gongora, a recent Computer Engineering graduate, wanted to build the app quickly and efficiently, but struggled with handling databases, a crucial component for storing and managing the restaurant promotions data.
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ComidX serves two main customer groups: restaurants and users looking for food promotions. Restaurants, including big names like Burger King Mexico and Pizza Hut, use the platform to upload their promotions, reaching a wider audience than they might through their own social media platforms. On the other hand, users benefit from having a single platform where they can browse and choose from a variety of restaurant promotions. The platform is currently operational in Yucatan, Mexico, but there are plans to expand its reach to the entire country.
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Gongora chose to build ComidX using Bubble, a no-code platform. This decision was driven by the need for speed and simplicity in the development process. Bubble's no-code platform allowed Gongora to build his app quickly without having to code, and its easy access to databases solved his struggle with handling databases. Restaurants can upload their promotions to the platform, similar to how they would on their social media platforms. Users can then browse these promotions, view detailed pop-ups of each promotion, and directly contact the restaurant via various social media platforms or phone. The app also features a search function, allowing users to explore food promotions within specific categories.
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The use of Bubble's no-code platform has resulted in a quick and efficient development process for ComidX. The platform's easy access to databases has simplified the process of storing and managing restaurant promotions data. Furthermore, the platform has been successful in attracting interest from multiple restaurants, indicating its potential to become a popular tool for restaurant promotion. The ability to directly contact restaurants via various social media platforms or phone has also improved the user experience, making it easier for users to take advantage of promotions.
The platform has attracted interest from multiple restaurants, including big names such as Burger King Mexico and Pizza Hut.
The platform is currently operational in Yucatan, Mexico, with plans to expand nationwide.
The platform consolidates promotions from multiple restaurants into a single platform, saving users the time and effort of browsing multiple social media platforms.
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