Locance Case Studies Combining Carrier Location and Global Site ID for Logistics Success
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Combining Carrier Location and Global Site ID for Logistics Success

Networks & Connectivity - Cellular
Networks & Connectivity - Network Management & Analysis Software
Networks & Connectivity - WiFi
Sensors - GPS
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Track & Trace of Assets
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
FedEx Corporation is a globally recognized leader in transportation, e-commerce and business services with more than 300,000 team members worldwide. SenseAware® is a service offered to customers seeking enhanced visibility during shipping so they are able to closely monitor the supply chain lifecycle. It features multi-sensor devices with advanced wireless communications software systems to collect and report real-time GPS and sensor-based logistics data from assets located within packages, trailers, pallets and warehouses. With this level of intelligence, FedEx SenseAware customers are able to heighten security, improve efficiency and productivity. As a radio navigation based technology, GPS is a standard industry tool for logistics and tracking but it has certain limitations. GPS is not always available as its signal can be blocked when packages are stored deep within buildings or when physical elements obstruct a signal’s pathway. FedEx SenseAware needed to identify a solution that delivered accurate and real-time tracking information to supplement its GPS-based technology. This was vital to guarantee the high-quality service and tracking data promised to its customers.
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FedEx Corporation is a globally recognized leader in transportation, e-commerce and business services. The company has more than 300,000 team members worldwide. FedEx offers a service called SenseAware to its customers who seek enhanced visibility during shipping. This service allows customers to closely monitor the supply chain lifecycle. SenseAware features multi-sensor devices with advanced wireless communications software systems to collect and report real-time GPS and sensor-based logistics data from assets located within packages, trailers, pallets and warehouses. With this level of intelligence, FedEx SenseAware customers are able to heighten security, improve efficiency and productivity.
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FedEx SenseAware selected LocationSmart’s Global Site ID (GSID) and cross-carrier mobile network location solutions to provide location intelligence when GPS is unavailable. With GSID, FedEx SenseAware greatly expanded the total number of devices it is able to locate and the global reach of its tracking grew exponentially. This location technology is a global service covering more than 200 countries and it functions seamlessly even when devices are roaming. GSID allows FedEx SenseAware to locate any device utilizing Wi-Fi, CDMA, GSM, WCDMA (UMTS) or LTE. The mobile network location from LocationSmart enables FedEx to locate any mobile device when connected to the carrier network. As a cloud-based application program interface (API), mobile network location does not require software or applications to be downloaded before use. It provides secure data with minimal drag on device performance. FedEx attempts to locate devices with mobile network location first and if location is unavailable, it automatically falls back to Global Site ID for optimum device insights.
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LocationSmart Global Site Identification (GSID) Advantages: Multi-source service for maximum coverage, Enables any GSM, Wi-Fi, CDMA, WCDMA (UMTS) or LTE device, Locates devices while roaming, Global Location Service, Provides 120 million cell sites worldwide, Coverage of over 1.5 billion Wi-Fi access points, 200+ Countries
LocationSmart Mobile Network Location Advantages: Provides access to device SIMs on the carrier networks, Cloud-based, secure location technology, Integrates quickly via cloud-based APIs, Provides indoor and outdoor data, No app or software to download
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