Software AG Case Studies Coca-Cola distributor pours less time and money into invoicing—thanks to webMethods BPMS
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Coca-Cola distributor pours less time and money into invoicing—thanks to webMethods BPMS

Software AG
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Consumer Goods
Business Operation
Process Control & Optimization
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
System Integration
Since 1952, distributor Casbega has focused on the flow of Coca-Cola products in Spain. Recently, the company took a closer look at the flow of its processes—starting with accounting. Specifically, Casbega wanted to speed up invoice administration and reduce related costs. Document flow between branch offices and departments was too excessive, and email was proving inadequate in driving workflow and managing files. Every year, Casbega’s accounting department processes 40,000 invoices from other departments and regional offices. The invoice approval process varies depending on the office and department. Invoices advance to different levels of approval, enabling the delegation of tasks and the automatic generation of reminders to the responsible employees at each level. All employees who process invoices keep a copy of each invoice as a record. The process is integrated with an accounting system controlled by SAP technology.
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Castellana de Bebidas Gaseosas S.A. (Casbega), established in 1952, produces, markets and distributes beverages registered under The Coca-Cola Company trademark. Casbega produces some 700 million liters, or 100 million cases, of carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks, juice and mineral water a year and accounts for 23 percent of the total volume of Coca-Cola in Spain. The company has 15 regional offices, including an industrial complex in Madrid, and employs 900 people.
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Casbega identified the need for best practices in its departments and a Business Process Management (BPM) solution to automate and optimize tasks and monitor processes. The company decided to take its ServiceOriented Architecture (SOA) strategy to the next level by using Software AG’s webMethods Business Process Management Suite (BPMS). In 2006, Casbega began using a BPM tool to improve its communication infrastructure at a lower cost than a rip-and-replace approach. The solution offered significantly greater potential for process automation and optimization. Casbega opted for Software AG’s webMethods BPMS Quick Start Edition 7.1 in 2008 because it offered functionality based on models, rules, metadata and composition as well as a solid architecture. In addition, webMethods BPMS integrated with the company’s existing IT infrastructure, specifically with its SAP® systems. The solution also would provide global control and the ability to effectively track processes.
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20 percent less time spent on invoicing
Standardized invoice approval rights, increasing consistency
Greater visibility—digitized invoices and transmission can be viewed online, anytime
Reduced internal invoicing cost by 10%
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