Infor Case Studies CleanTelligent Enhances Janitorial Software Solutions with Infor Birst
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CleanTelligent Enhances Janitorial Software Solutions with Infor Birst

CleanTelligent Enhances Janitorial Software Solutions with Infor Birst - Infor Industrial IoT Case Study
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Database Management & Storage
Networks & Connectivity - 5G
Quality Assurance
Predictive Quality Analytics
Visual Quality Detection
System Integration
Testing & Certification
CleanTelligent Software, a company that aids in-house and contracted janitorial teams in streamlining communication and improving quality control, faced a significant challenge. Their clients were demanding a more dynamic way to present reporting data. The company's software was primarily used to analyze and summarize a custodial team's performance, replacing a highly manual, paper-driven process. However, the initial differences between service providers in the janitorial industry are often unclear, and the cost of switching is comparatively low. This situation led to high client turnover, with a janitorial company's customer lifetime averaging four years or less. CleanTelligent needed to improve the customer experience with dynamic dashboards and reporting, retain customers through predictive analysis, capitalize on advanced analytics capabilities to build market differentiation, and improve client retention rates.
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CleanTelligent Software is a company that provides software solutions to in-house and contracted janitorial teams. Their software simplifies the flow of communication among employees, clients, stakeholders, and building patrons. It enhances processes to help teams protect project margins, showcase results, and track and improve janitorial quality control. With 17 years of experience, CleanTelligent knows how to capture and use performance data to help janitorial teams reach new levels of success. Their solutions play a vital role in helping janitorial service providers maintain quality control and open lines of communication with their customers to spotlight and address issues before they affect the quality of service.
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To meet the demand for advanced analytics and reporting, CleanTelligent decided to embed Infor Birst analytics into its existing solution. This decision created a single, market-ready system that seamlessly integrates with CleanTelligent's existing operational capabilities. Birst's API allowed CleanTelligent to preserve existing customer management automation and capabilities by automatically updating Birst. When onboarding new clients, CleanTelligent could mirror a client's contracted functionality in Birst. Birst's virtual tenants allowed CleanTelligent to keep each client's data secure and separate. Birst's ability to provide dynamic reporting and dashboards that presented data in a compelling visual format was a primary driver in the decision to embed it. Birst analyzes and summarizes the performance of CleanTelligent's customers, making it easier for them to identify performance trends, make informed decisions, and build lasting customer relationships based on consistent performance delivery and trust.
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The integration of Birst into CleanTelligent's software has resulted in several operational benefits. The compelling visualizations and actionable insights provided by Birst have made it easier for clients to identify performance trends and make informed decisions. This has helped build lasting customer relationships based on consistent performance delivery and trust. Birst's insights also help CleanTelligent's clients demonstrate that they've stayed in compliance with contract terms and are delivering the highest quality of service to their own clients. Furthermore, CleanTelligent uses Birst analytics to understand its own business challenges, tracking key metrics to find patterns that customers often follow before canceling their service. This allows the company to proactively address their concerns and retain them. The embedded Birst capabilities have also given CleanTelligent a way to differentiate its solution from competitors' offerings and homegrown tools.
100% annual ROI through data monetization
Increased customer satisfaction by delivering new reporting capabilities faster
Market differentiation through an advanced embedded analytics capability
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