Bubble Group Case Studies Classify: A Virtual Study Group App for University of Maryland Students
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Classify: A Virtual Study Group App for University of Maryland Students

Bubble Group
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Building Automation & Control
Smart Campus
The University of Maryland students were facing challenges in communicating and collaborating effectively for their online remote learning experience. Traditional methods of interaction were proving to be inefficient, especially for large group chats. The need for a more streamlined, organized, and efficient platform for virtual study groups was evident. The challenge was to create a platform that would allow students to join study groups organized by class, communicate easily, and stay organized with reminders and events. The creators of the app, Vivek Mehta, Vaibhav Patil, and Nihar Majmudar, were looking for a tool that would allow them to build this platform efficiently and collaboratively.
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The primary customers of Classify are the students at the University of Maryland. These students are engaged in online remote learning and are in need of an efficient and organized platform for virtual study groups. The students come from various backgrounds and are enrolled in different courses. They are looking for a way to communicate and collaborate effectively with their classmates, set reminders and events, and make the most out of their online semester. The app is also aimed at incoming freshmen who are new to the university environment and are looking for ways to interact with their classmates.
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The solution came in the form of Classify, a free-to-use platform built using Bubble's no-code platform. Classify allows University of Maryland students to join study groups organized by class. Students can sign up with their university email and create or join study groups for any of their courses in just one click. The app allows users to add their current courses and create study groups within them of up to 10 users. Within these groups, students can easily communicate with each other through messaging, along with setting reminders and events to stay organized. The Bubble platform was chosen for its simplicity, efficiency, and collaborative features. It allowed the creators to add very specific features to their app and made the building process very straightforward.
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The creation of Classify has resulted in a more streamlined and efficient platform for virtual study groups at the University of Maryland. It has replaced large and inefficient group chats and has made it easier for students to communicate and collaborate. The app has also helped students stay organized with reminders and events. The use of Bubble's no-code platform has made the building process simple and efficient, allowing the creators to add specific features to their app and collaborate effectively. The success of the app has led to plans for expansion to other universities across the country.
Reached 150 users on the first day of launch
Promoted on the campus bulletin board run by the Do Good Institute
Plans to expand to universities across the country
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