Cin7 Case Studies Cin7 Integration: A Game Changer for Pine Apparel's Profit Margins
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Cin7 Integration: A Game Changer for Pine Apparel's Profit Margins

Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Finance & Insurance
Sales & Marketing
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Picking, Sorting & Positioning
Pine Apparel, an apparel wholesaler, was struggling with outdated inventory and accounting systems that were not in line with the company's growth. The company was still operating as a small business, with inventory recorded on Excel sheets and processes documented in Google Drive. Sales were manually deducted, leading to a rush among the team. When Elise Ellis, the Director of Operations, joined the team in 2019, she was tasked with modernizing the company. However, she faced the challenge of finding an inventory solution that would best suit the business. The apparel industry has unique requirements, such as the need to record items sold as bundles and single stock items, and to manage a range of colors and sizes for the same item. Any disruption in the inventory chain could halt sales, adding to the complexity of the situation.
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Pine Apparel is an apparel wholesaler that ships orders to boutiques throughout the United States. The company was founded by Michael Edwards, who started by selling dresses out of his car. Despite its growth, the company continued to operate as a small business, with outdated inventory and accounting systems. The team at Pine Apparel includes sales reps, accounting and warehouse staff, all of whom use the integrated software daily. The company faced challenges in managing its inventory due to the unique requirements of the apparel industry, and needed a solution that could provide real-time, accurate inventory data.
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Elise chose Cin7 over other competitors due to its ability to work with Shopify, its seamless functionality with the specialized requirements of the apparel industry, and its cost-effectiveness. Cin7 provided a reliable inventory system that Elise could trust. It allowed her to know what was available in real time across all systems and platforms. The company signed a contract with Cin7 in January 2020. Despite facing challenges such as the resignation of the Warehouse Manager and a slowdown in sales due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Elise found the transition to Cin7 stress-free due to the onboarding and support provided by the Cin7 team. Pine Apparel also integrated Cin7 with Xero, Shipstation, and Shopify, which provided accurate data across the business.
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The implementation of Cin7 has transformed the operations of Pine Apparel. The company now has a reliable and efficient inventory system that provides real-time visibility across all platforms. This has eliminated the stress and uncertainty that previously came with managing inventory. The seamless integration of Cin7 with other platforms like Shopify, Xero, and Shipstation has ensured the accuracy of data across the business. The team can now trust the data they see, which is crucial for the smooth running of the organization. The improved inventory management has also allowed the company to keep track of what is selling and what is in stock, enabling them to meet orders and demand effectively. Overall, Cin7 has simplified the growth of Pine Apparel and has been instrumental in helping the company reach its first profitable quarter.
Cin7 enabled Pine Apparel to overcome the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The company was able to hire more staff due to the efficiencies gained from Cin7.
Pine Apparel increased its pre-pandemic sales numbers after implementing Cin7.
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