AuraQuantic Case Studies ChevyPlan's Transformation through AuraQuantic iBPMS
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ChevyPlan's Transformation through AuraQuantic iBPMS

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Middleware, SDKs & Libraries
Robots - Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGV)
Finance & Insurance
Usage-Based Insurance
Vehicle Performance Monitoring
System Integration
ChevyPlan, a leading brand of payment schemes for new Chevrolet vehicles in Ecuador and the Andean Region, faced significant operational challenges due to its growth. The company was dealing with a high volume of operational work across various departments to monitor and manage the provision of vehicles for each customer. The manual generation and review of documentation were labor-intensive and time-consuming, involving approvals and the collection of signatures. The process was also prone to errors, leading to reprocessing of work. ChevyPlan needed a software solution that would give them control of all the elements involved in the vehicle provision process, including document generation tools, a notification system, and connectivity with internal systems.
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ChevyPlan is the leading brand of payment schemes for new Chevrolet vehicles, serving Ecuador for 11 years and the Andean Region for over twenty years. The company encourages and develops a culture of planification in the automotive industry for the supply of new Chevrolet vehicles, offering high-quality products and services with highly dedicated, motivated, and skilled staff. ChevyPlan has managed the purchase of over sixteen thousand vehicles to date, benefiting its customers by generating savings through careful planning.
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ChevyPlan chose AuraQuantic iBPMS to manage their internal processes and integrate the information from their systems, thereby controlling and improving the participation from suppliers and other external companies. The process implementation with AuraQuantic began with a basic process which made it possible to send billing orders and generate documents. Thanks to AuraPortal’s ability to manage continuous improvement, it continued to optimize and today, it has transformed into a process which generates all documentation online and involves several company areas and external companies including insurance firms, notaries, and dealers. The success of the first project led ChevyPlan towards business excellence through a high level of process management maturity. They have used AuraQuantic to automate other processes including sales, maintenance, cession of rights, etc., making their processes more agile and eliminating manual activities.
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The implementation of AuraQuantic iBPMS was successfully carried out by LeadSolutions Cia. Ltd., AuraPortal’s Partner in Ecuador. With the AuraQuantic iBPMS platform, all business areas intercommunicate and receive notifications and alerts of their activities. The manual operational workload has decreased considerably with increased use of electronic documents. The versatility to implement and modify processes in a fast and agile manner without the need for any programming has empowered the organization to quickly adapt to the different changes in the business and legal environments. Other areas have also been integrated, including Treasury and Insurance where additional processes are performed using the information and Business Rules implemented in the process.
Significant reduction in manual operational workload
Increased use of electronic documents
Integration with internal systems and systems used by suppliers
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