Agworld Case Studies Centralized Data Improves Profitability
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Centralized Data Improves Profitability

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Logistics & Transportation
Quality Assurance
Farm Monitoring & Precision Farming
Supply Chain Visibility
Data Science Services
Emerald Farms, a farming operation in Maxwell, CA, was struggling to keep track of all the information and tasks being performed on the farm. The farm's partner and general manager, Leon Etchepare, was trying to achieve more vertical integration of the farming operation, but he needed a centralized platform that would deliver him the information he needed, when he needed it. The farm comprises 3,500 acres of almond and walnut trees as well as 2,500 acres of irrigated row-cropping. After transitioning into the role of partner and general manager of Emerald Farms, Leon decided that the operation needed more technology in order to become more efficient.
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Emerald Farms is a fourth-generation farming operation located in Maxwell, Northern California. The farm is managed by Leon Etchepare, who took over the family farm in 2011 when his father was starting to look at retirement. The farm comprises 3,500 acres of almond and walnut trees as well as 2,500 acres of irrigated row-cropping. In addition to growing crops, Emerald Farms is also vertically integrated by selling walnut butter under their own brand, called Wellnut Farms™. The farm is in the process of building its own production line for the walnut butter and plans to also build a sheller and cold storage so they can perform the process, from growing the walnuts to creating the butter, in-house.
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Leon discovered Agworld’s capabilities in 2014 and, after comparison with many other farm management solutions, decided to implement Agworld into his operation. Agworld is a platform that allows all stakeholders involved in Emerald Farms to seamlessly communicate. It provides Leon with access to more historical information which ensures that he can make better and more profitable decisions. The platform is used for tracking chemical inputs, fertilizers and pretty much everything else that is done on the farm. It allows Leon to keep track of tasks being performed on the farm and the recommendations that are being written. With Agworld, Leon can go back and know exactly when something got sprayed or when an irrigation happened for example.
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By adopting Agworld, Leon has managed to get all stakeholders involved in Emerald Farms to seamlessly communicate on the same platform.
With Agworld, Leon can go back and know exactly when something got sprayed or when an irrigation happened for example.
Agworld allows Leon to keep track of tasks being performed on the farm and the recommendations that are being written.
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