AssetWorks Case Studies Case Study Peri & Sons Farms
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Case Study Peri & Sons Farms

Functional Applications - Fleet Management Systems (FMS)
Sensors - GPS
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Inventory Management
Vehicle Telematics
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Peri & Sons Farms, a certified sustainable farm in western Nevada, was looking for a way to improve its decision-making process and overall operations. The farm, which employs over 2,100 employees and produces over 500 million pounds of onions each year, initially implemented AssetWorks in 2018. However, they significantly underestimated the software’s potential. They initially thought they would use it for their parts teams and mechanics, but they soon realized that the software could be used for much more. The farm was also looking for a way to improve its fuel accounting and keep track of its spending to stay within its allotted fuel budget.
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Peri & Sons Farms is a forward-thinking and innovative farm located in western Nevada, in Yerington. The farm has a rich heritage dating back over 100 years and has grown exponentially over the past century. Today, it supports a workforce of 2,100 employees who assist in the production of over 500 million pounds of onions each year. As a certified sustainable farm, Peri & Sons is passionate about growing premium-quality produce using innovative and sustainable methods. The farm's Sunshine & Happiness initiative aims to create an optimistic, caring company culture, believing that a positive work environment promotes better overall work and life satisfaction.
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Peri & Sons implemented AssetWorks FleetFocus, a software that tracks vehicles, equipment, and parts throughout their entire lifecycle. The farm also uses AssetWorks' mobile solution, MobileFocus Enterprise, for complete visibility into their fuel data. This allows them to see how much fuel each asset consumes and receive real-time fueling alerts. The mobile application has allowed Peri & Sons to automate the recording of fuel transactions and eliminate spreadsheets, reducing the chances of paying more on fuel. The farm also uses the software for managing packing inventory, ensuring orders are processed timely and that they are not wasting money on unnecessary parts. The farm is also working to integrate AssetWorks Telematics/ GPS Tracking with their current fleet software to accurately and efficiently view mile per gallon (mpg) data for each asset.
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Complete visibility into fuel data, allowing the farm to see how much fuel each asset consumes.
Real-time fueling alerts, which has improved the farm's fuel accounting.
Automation of the recording of fuel transactions, eliminating the need for spreadsheets and reducing the chances of paying more on fuel.
The farm produces over 500 million pounds of onions each year.
The software supports a workforce of 2,100 employees.
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