Case Studies Case Study – Ready Foods
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Case Study – Ready Foods

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Food & Beverage
Discrete Manufacturing
Quality Assurance
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
System Integration
Ready Foods was previously utilizing a UNIX system for 15 years that they simply outgrew. They required a system that would facilitate all process manufacturing and business operations functions in a unified system to stay competitive in their growing industry. The company was experiencing an essential need for a software system that would be able to meet their long-term needs and grow with them. Their previous system required them to halt operations for 24 hours to manually count inventory levels. They would then spend over a week keying in the data to find where they had lost inventory from one period to the next. This process not only led to a loss in time and money, but was unreliable.
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In 1972, Ready Foods began producing Mexican food for restaurants and retail outlets in the Denver area. Over the years, Ready Foods has expanded and evolved from a manufacturer of Mexican food to becoming a custom food processor, producing a wide variety of products for restaurants nationwide. Ready Foods manufactures savory sauces, beans, salsas, soups, dressings, gravies, deli spreads, stuffings, meat and vegetable fillings and tortillas. The company has experienced extensive growth and expansions over the years.
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Ready Foods spent over a year reviewing 12-15 ERP solutions, narrowing to six, before selecting ProcessPro as their software of choice. ProcessPro embodied similar characteristics of Ready Foods, in that personal relationships were essential to building strong partnerships. Ready Foods implemented the ProcessPro ERP solution in February 2012. ProcessPro has enabled Ready Foods to save time and increase accuracy of inventory, eliminate dual data entry and increase quality control standards. The company also utilized software add-on applications such as Warehouse Management Solution (WMS), Dock Scheduler, Research and Development (R&D), and Business Intelligence (BI).
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With the use of ProcessPro’s physical inventory and WMS, Ready Foods has been able to eliminate the lag time in inventory counts, access real-time inventory updates and determine on-hand, allocated and projected inventory levels.
ProcessPro has also aided in decreasing the amount of time it takes to produce variance reports. Previously, the reports were taking 3 days to produce and calculate and are now available within 12 hours for Ready Foods to utilize in production planning.
With the use of ProcessPro, this growing food manufacturer is able to control the quality of its products beginning with incoming raw materials, through ingredient manufacturing, all the way to final packaging.
Reduced time for producing variance reports from 3 days to within 12 hours.
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