AtScale Case Studies Cardinal Health: Driving Advances in Healthcare Through Self-Service Data Analytics
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Cardinal Health: Driving Advances in Healthcare Through Self-Service Data Analytics

Analytics & Modeling - Data-as-a-Service
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Predictive Maintenance
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
System Integration
Cardinal Health, a multinational healthcare services company, had a fragmented set of systems due to a series of acquisitions. This made managing and accessing data complicated. The company needed to forecast six months in advance to make sound business decisions, but business analysts across the pharmaceutical, corporate, and medical business lines didn’t have easy access to data for analytics and reporting. In addition, many business systems analysts (BSAs) were using shadow IT or unapproved applications to track metrics. As Cardinal Health moved into the future, the company needed to simplify its data landscape to streamline data and analytics access throughout the organization.
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Cardinal Health is a multinational healthcare services company that strives to advance healthcare and improve lives every day. Through the use of data-driven insights, the company has scaled its services to nearly 90% of U.S. hospitals, 60,000 pharmacies, and 10,000 physicians' offices and clinics. The company grew rapidly through acquisitions over the years, so Cardinal Health relied on a fragmented set of systems that were difficult to manage and govern effectively.
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Cardinal Health chose to leverage Google BigQuery and AtScale’s Semantic Layer, which allows business users to access data using business intelligence (BI) tools like Excel and Tableau. That means business users now perform self-service analytics using the BI tool of their choice. Moreover, AtScale enables data sharing in a way that wasn’t possible before. In the past, Cardinal Health’s major business lines — pharmaceutical, corporate, and medical — were managing data separately in a variety of systems. By implementing a semantic layer, the company is now able to more easily share this disparate data to generate better overall business insights.
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When building out its new data and analytics platform, Cardinal Health partnered closely with its data governance team to break down legacy silos so that its modern data analytics program aligns closely with business teams’ goals and workflows.
These efforts have enabled the organization to eliminate the shadow IT applications that business analysts had relied on previously.
Using AtScale’s semantic layer, Cardinal Health has also been able to create a universal source of truth for the organization.
After launching this data and analytics platform with AtScale, Cardinal Health has been able to scale the rollout to over 200 users.
In the near future, Cardinal Health expects to have over 1,000 business users leveraging self-service analytics across the organization.
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