Plan A Case Studies Carbon Accounting for Sustainability: A Case Study of ESMT Berlin
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Carbon Accounting for Sustainability: A Case Study of ESMT Berlin

Plan A
Other - Battery
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Finance & Insurance
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
Smart Campus
Net Impact ESMT Berlin, a student club at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT Berlin), was seeking a method to measure their carbon emissions to create a data-driven approach to sustainability. The club, which is a key driver of the sustainability initiative at the business school, needed a tool that would allow them to accurately calculate and reduce the school's emissions. The goal was to engage all stakeholders, including students and staff, in the process. The challenge was to find a carbon accounting software that would be easy to adopt and would provide the necessary data to drive change within the school. The club's president, Luka Zrnic, had been in contact with Lubomila Jordanova, the CEO and Co-founder of Plan A, a company that provides such software.
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The customer in this case study is the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT Berlin), a leading business school. The school is represented by Net Impact ESMT Berlin, a 40-member strong student club focused on sustainability. The club is the key driver of the sustainability initiative at the school, and its president, Luka Zrnic, was instrumental in the decision to adopt the Plan A software. The club's goal is to reduce the school's carbon emissions and engage all stakeholders in the process. They aim to change the status quo on campus and train the next generation of business leaders through this school-wide project.
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ESMT Berlin adopted the Plan A software, making it one of the first universities to do so. The software, known as the Essential version of the carbon manager, includes capabilities for measuring all operational emissions, setting benchmarks, creating automated action plans, and centralizing data. It also allows the school to build a compensation portfolio and manage their progress over time. In addition to using the platform, Net Impact ESMT Berlin and Plan A have co-organized engagement and educational events, such as park cleanups and talks. They have also supported the compensation of ESMT Berlin’s largest events. The software has given the group the legitimacy to hold discussions with ESMT Berlin’s executive board to implement more sustainable measures.
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The adoption of the Plan A software has had significant operational results for ESMT Berlin. The software has provided a centralized platform for measuring emissions, setting benchmarks, and creating action plans. This has allowed the school to establish a baseline for their carbon emissions and track their progress over time. The software has also facilitated engagement with both students and staff, with 65% of employees sharing their commuting habits. Furthermore, the software has given the group the legitimacy to hold discussions with the school's executive board, leading to the implementation of more sustainable measures. These include battery collection stations, proper waste separation, building a greenhouse for the garden, and educational events. The school is now on track to achieve its goal of 100% coverage of emissions by 2025.
65% of ESMT Berlin employees shared their commuting habits, contributing to the data-driven approach to change.
The carbon accounting platform has enabled the group to secure additional budget for its activities.
Over 140 people participated in a park clean-up event organized by Net Impact ESMT Berlin and Plan A, collecting over 50 trash bags.
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