NETSCOUT Case Studies Canadian Service Provider TELUS Communications Leverages NETSCOUT nGeniusONE Service Assurance Platform to Gain Valuable Service Visibility
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Canadian Service Provider TELUS Communications Leverages NETSCOUT nGeniusONE Service Assurance Platform to Gain Valuable Service Visibility

Networks & Connectivity - Cellular
Networks & Connectivity - Network Management & Analysis Software
Business Operation
Fleet Management
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Remote Asset Management
System Integration
Testing & Certification
TELUS, one of Canada’s largest national telecommunications companies, faced several challenges in maintaining and enhancing the end-user experience. The company operates three different networks founded on four different technologies, and the demands on their network infrastructure were significant and intensifying as consumer technology evolved. Even the slightest degradation of service, such as with smartphone call latency, could result in loss of subscribers and revenue. TELUS required complete, end-to-end network visibility of all services. Specific challenges included overseeing and monitoring LTE signaling and user-plane traffic, monitoring domain name system (DNS) and call tracing, proactively and transparently troubleshooting infrastructure issues, diminishing mean time to knowledge (MTTK) and mean time to resolution (MTTR), and establishing a proactive, early-warning network monitoring process and system.
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TELUS is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and is one of Canada’s largest national telecommunications companies. The company offers a wide array of telecommunications products and services including data, video, and mobility. Its wireless division, TELUS Mobility, is Canada’s second-largest mobile phone provider with a subscriber base of 8.1 million. With annual revenues over $12 billion, TELUS has almost 8.1 million wireless subscribers, 1.5 million broadband Internet customers, 3.2 million wireless local network (WLN) access lines, and almost a million IPTV patrons. TELUS is also Canada’s largest health care information technology provider and developed the world’s first Multi-Operator Core Network (MOCN) for mobile communications.
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TELUS chose the NETSCOUT nGeniusONE™ Service Assurance Performance platform, a packet-based monitoring platform that provides a top-down, holistic approach to service assurance. This provides service providers like TELUS unmatched operational visibility into their network and service performance. The NETSCOUT nGeniusONE platform provides efficient service triage that reduces MTTK and MTTR by proactively recognizing service degradations in real-time through a consistent and contextual set of metadata, which is generated by NETSCOUT’s Adaptive Service IntelligenceTM (ASI) technology. The NETSCOUT solution aggregates, correlates, and contextually analyzes the complete combination of metadata gathered from defined data sources in the network’s physical and virtual environment. It is able to do this by instrumenting strategic access points across the service delivery infrastructure by using physical and virtual appliances.
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Improved network visibility between network elements supports proactive service management and service triage.
Improved problem detection, diagnosis, and resolution.
Improved service reliability and uptime resulting in markedly enhanced end-user experience.
Slashed CAPEX by 10-24 percent
Improved ROI saving the company an estimated six to seven figures
Reduced time spent in war room by 50 percent
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