Actian Case Studies C&K Market Rings Up Business with Actian Open Source
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C&K Market Rings Up Business with Actian Open Source

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Database Management & Storage
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Visibility
System Integration
C&K Market, a supermarket chain servicing Oregon and Northern California, was facing the need to transition from its legacy VMS platform to a new platform. The company wanted to adopt an open source database solution to take advantage of improved efficiencies, scalability, and low total cost of ownership. The company had been running Ingres on a VMS platform, which was being phased out. The efficient reporting and analysis of pricing and inventory – and effective control of costs – was all enabled through the Ingres Database, an enterprise open source database.
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C&K Market Inc. is a well-known supermarket chain servicing Oregon and Northern California customers. The company has grown in 20 years from three stores to 60, with Ingres supporting it all the way. The retailer’s recent migration to the open source version of the Ingres Database registers with C&K Market by giving the company access to the wealth of knowledge in the open source community and a low total cost of ownership. In addition, the scalability, 24x7 availability, and enterprise-strength applications help keep the store in check, with customers happy and returning to shop again and again.
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C&K Market decided to migrate to the Actian Ingres open source database running Linux. Using the Ingres ABF development tool, C&K Market created a wide range of mission-critical applications, such as inventory, financial, and human resources – all built on the Ingres Database. The company now uses Ingres as the central data source for mission-critical applications across its 60 stores. A wide variety of end users tap into the database, from manual data entry clerks to people at the stores maintaining pricing to corporate control pricing to payroll and financial analysts accessing information.
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In moving to the Ingres open source database, C&K Market expects to leverage the benefits of the open source model, including cost savings and integration with other open source applications, such as graphical reporting tools.
Access to the open source development community will enhance C&K Market’s own development team, extending its development resources while enabling the four-person team to focus on requests from across the C&K Market chain of stores.
In the corporate office, about 80 people access the database on a near daily basis, for payroll, accounts payable, and other applications.
At store levels, users can get into the pricing system that’s also built on Ingres –about 200 people at any given time.
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