Case Studies Build-A-Bear Workshop® keeps hugs, fun and friendships flowing worldwide with Manhattan solutions
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Build-A-Bear Workshop® keeps hugs, fun and friendships flowing worldwide with Manhattan solutions

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Logistics & Transportation
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Visibility
Track & Trace of Assets
Warehouse Automation
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Build-A-Bear Workshop was challenged to reduce costs while continuing to deliver high levels of service. The company needed to move away from average-based management and focus on exceptional cases where too much was spent moving particular items. This required a solution that could holistically manage warehouse components and provide visibility and information across the supply chain.
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Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. is the only global company that offers an interactive make-your-own stuffed animal retail-entertainment experience. In a little more than a decade, the company has grown from a single location to an operation that includes more than 408 stores in 19 countries. To keep up with increased sales growth while continuing to deliver an excellent retail experience for its Guests, Build-A-Bear Workshop® built a global supply chain network that handles between 4,000 and 7,000 active SKUs and includes three main distribution centers in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom as well as 10 franchisee service centers around the world.
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Build-A-Bear Workshop selected Manhattan Associates’ Warehouse Management and Extended Enterprise Management solutions based on their ease of implementation, integration with in-house capabilities, and ability to holistically manage warehouse components. The solutions provided a comprehensive platform for managing space, people, inventory, and equipment. Extended Enterprise Management was particularly valued for its ability to drive down exceptions for newly developed routes or recently added vendors. The implementation was on time and on budget, with the Warehouse Management solution launched to approximately 150 users and Extended Enterprise Management rolled out to 30 vendors, covering 97% of the company's volume.
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Build-A-Bear Workshop successfully uses Extended Enterprise Management for accurate vendor score carding and compliance, also applying it to general risk and interruption exposure.
The company realized immediate cost reductions as it was no longer necessary to label cartons at points of arrival. Vendors now generate labels through Extended Enterprise Management before shipping products.
Extended Enterprise Management brought perfect clarity to inventory management, allowing the company to optimize shipments and improve capacity consideration for constraints downstream in the supply chain.
97% of the company’s volume is managed through Extended Enterprise Management.
The implementation was on time and on budget, meeting the company’s expectations.
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