Bubble Group Case Studies Bridging the Gap Between Universities and Innovation: The Tech and the City Case Study
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Bridging the Gap Between Universities and Innovation: The Tech and the City Case Study

Bubble Group
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Event-Driven Application
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Cities & Municipalities
Product Research & Development
Building Automation & Control
Smart City Operations
Tech and the City, an initiative aimed at bridging the gap between universities and innovation, faced a significant challenge in its early stages. The team, led by founder Marios Kontis, wanted to create an app that would allow users to create and watch events about innovation. However, they lacked the technical expertise required to build such an app. They initially hired a team of tech experts to work on the app's Minimum Viable Product (MVP), but the process was time-consuming and the final product did not meet their expectations. The team needed a quick, affordable, and efficient solution to build their app without having to delve into the complexities of coding.
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Tech and the City is an initiative that aims to bridge the gap between universities and innovation. It does this by enabling users to create and watch events about innovation. The users of the app fall into two categories: organizers and attendees. Organizers are those who create the events, add speakers, gather registrations, and livestream the events. Attendees are those who register for these events and watch them. The initiative is designed to inspire and foster innovation by bringing together the academic and innovation communities. The app is a crucial tool in this initiative, providing a platform for these events to take place.
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The Tech and the City team discovered Bubble, a no-code platform that offered an affordable and quick solution to their problem. Bubble's powerful point-and-click web editor and cloud hosting platform allowed the team to build a fully customizable web application without any coding experience. The app they built has two roles: the organizer and the attendee. Organizers can create an event page, add speakers, gather registrations, and livestream the event. Attendees, on the other hand, can register for upcoming events and receive reminders when the events are about to start. The team was able to complete the MVP of their app in just one week using Bubble, a significant improvement from their previous attempts.
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The use of Bubble's no-code platform has had significant operational benefits for Tech and the City. The team was able to quickly and efficiently build an app that met their needs, without the need for extensive coding knowledge. This not only saved them time but also allowed them to focus on their core mission of bridging the gap between universities and innovation. The app has been successful in facilitating Tech and the City events, with the last event accommodating about 700 participants without any issues. The team now plans to expand the app's capabilities by releasing an application for Android and iOS and introducing ready-format workshops for organizers to use in their events.
Completed the MVP of the app in just one week using Bubble
Successfully hosted two Tech and the City events on the platform
Accommodated about 700 participants in the last event without any problems
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