Blue Yonder Case Studies Brewing Up Efficiency at CCU Chilé
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Brewing Up Efficiency at CCU Chilé

Blue Yonder
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Food & Beverage
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Warehouse Automation
System Integration
Compañía Cervecerías Unidas S.A. (CCU), Chilé’s largest brewery, was anticipating a 30% growth in order volume which would flow through their main distribution center (DC) in Curauma. They wanted to accommodate this growth with existing facilities and personnel. The company wanted full control over all warehousing operations through a single technology solution to drive greater efficiency and throughput. They also wanted to optimize its processes and use of personnel in order to improve its delivery speed and customer service.
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Compañía Cervecerías Unidas S.A. (CCU) is Chilé’s largest brewery. The company delivers beer, soft drinks, wine and liquor to approximately 115,000 customers across Chilé. About 70% of these orders are fulfilled by CCU’s distribution center (DC) in Curauma. The company embarked on a strategic initiative to make operations in this key warehouse more efficient.
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With support from Blue Yonder partner Southern Technology Group (STG Chilé), CCU implemented Blue Yonder’s warehouse management solution to manage all the day-to-day tasks being accomplished in this facility. The implementation of warehouse management at the Curauma facility has proven so successful that CCU is now rolling the solution out to other DCs. The company is currently implementing the solution in all of its facilities in Chilé and Argentina and anticipate having all of the information from the DCs available online.
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CCU Chilé has been able to maintain high customer service levels while managing a 30% increase in order volume.
CCU was able to maintain its previous resource investments and is currently utilizing more than 95% of its Curauma DC.
The company can focus on leveraging its resources to meet their customers’ needs and deliver products in the most efficient manner.
Managed a 30% increase in order volume with existing facilities and personnel.
Achieved a utilization rate of 95% in their main DC in Curauma.
Increased control over all DC functions and gained visibility to all stock across the facility, soon to include stock across all facilities.
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