Drift Case Studies Branch Enhances Customer Experience and Conversion Rates with Drift
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Branch Enhances Customer Experience and Conversion Rates with Drift

Analytics & Modeling - Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Equipment & Machinery
Sales & Marketing
Traffic Monitoring
Transportation Simulation

Branch, a leading provider of mobile linking and measurement platforms, was facing a significant challenge in converting their website traffic into leads. Despite having a healthy amount of organic traffic and mature website pages, not all of their site pages were optimized for conversion. The company was successful in attracting prospects to their site, but struggled to encourage them to take the next step. Additionally, Branch had specific qualification criteria for their enterprise product and needed a tool to automate this process. They wanted to leverage the logic and filtering criteria within a tool to simplify the qualification process for their prospects. The goal was to have the qualification happen automatically before suggesting a conversation about an enterprise plan.

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Branch is a leading provider of mobile linking and measurement platforms. They offer solutions that unify user experience and attribution across devices and channels. In the fast-paced mobile world with shrinking attention spans and marketing budgets, Branch has become a key tool in marketers’ toolboxes. They have a healthy amount of organic traffic and a number of mature website pages. However, they were facing challenges in converting their website traffic into leads and automating their qualification process for their enterprise product.

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Branch decided to implement Drift Chat in early 2020 to help convert traffic to leads, automate qualification, and improve conversion across all of their website pages. The company has a robust tech stack that integrates seamlessly with Drift to help them reach their goals. They use Cookiebot to control when scripts are fired, Clearbit on their forms, Marketo for emails to help turn clicks into “known” people in Drift, Demandbase to score and prioritize Drift activity, and a host of other homegrown integrations with other platforms. Branch deployed bots across multiple pages to achieve different goals. They used the ABM Welcome bot to start conversations with target accounts, DriftLink on their pricing page to greet users with a Drift bot, and localized Conversation Starter bots for every major region. They also replaced their demo request forms with embedded Drift chat and Conversational Landing pages.

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The implementation of Drift has significantly improved Branch's buyer experience and sales cycle. Prospects now have the option to either fill out a form or chat live, providing instant resources and a more seamless process from end-to-end. This has resulted in happier customers. Previously, Branch used demo forms with many unnecessary steps that tied up their prospects and added barriers to getting a meeting on the books. Now, prospects can book a meeting on their own, sometimes even for later in the same day. This quick and streamlined process is one of the favorite features of Drift. Branch also used Drift Identify to target logged-in customers, offering personalized experiences that guided customers to their support portal, and even upselling and cross-selling visitors. This has helped in creating additional opportunities with current customers.

Generated over 500K in upsell revenue in less than a year

Booked 22+ meetings per month through Drift

Captured 15.5% of emails with Conversation Starter Bot

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