Prodigal Technologies Inc. Case Studies Boosting Call Efficiency and Profitability: Rash Curtis & Associates' Experience with ProNotes
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Boosting Call Efficiency and Profitability: Rash Curtis & Associates' Experience with ProNotes

Prodigal Technologies Inc.
Time Sensitive Networking
Rash Curtis & Associates, a collections agency, was grappling with the challenge of losing significant agent call time daily to repetitive tasks such as comprehensive note-taking. The agents were required to swiftly move from one call to another, build relationships with consumers, and document each call meticulously, all without any assistance. This situation often led to a conflict between the need for detailed note-taking and maximizing call time within a day. Upon learning about Prodigal’s ProNotes, an AI-driven, real-time call summary assistant, Rash Curtis & Associates hypothesized that automated call note transcription could potentially reduce collection costs, standardize after-call notes, and proactively route calls to the most suitable collections teams.
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Rash Curtis & Associates is a collections agency that was facing the challenge of losing valuable agent call time to repetitive tasks such as comprehensive note-taking. The agency was seeking a solution that could help its agents balance between detailed note-taking and maximizing call time. The agency was interested in testing the potential of automated call note transcription to reduce collection costs, standardize after-call notes, and proactively route calls to the most suitable collections teams. Upon learning about Prodigal’s ProNotes, they decided to implement it in their operations.
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Prodigal’s ProNotes was implemented as a solution to Rash Curtis & Associates' challenges. ProNotes, powered by artificial intelligence, prepares call notes as agents conduct their calls, enabling them to concentrate solely on their conversations with customers. Once a call concludes, the agent can review the summary generated by ProNotes, make any necessary edits, and promptly move on to the next call. This resulted in a 30% reduction in agent after-call wrap time, allowing agents to focus more on making calls and increasing account profitability. ProNotes also standardizes the structure and content of notes, fostering transparency and common understanding across the Rash Curtis team and directing calls to appropriate teams dealing with specific cases like bankruptcy or divorce.
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The implementation of ProNotes had an immediate impact on Rash Curtis & Associates' operations. Agents quickly adapted their workflows to review automatically generated notes after each call instead of starting from scratch every time. This led to a significant increase in call time and a decrease in wrap-up time. The standardization of notes also increased transparency and common understanding across the team, improving collaboration. The excellent customer service, responsiveness, and understanding of business needs provided by Prodigal ensured minimal workflow change and fostered a long-term customer relationship.
30% reduction in agent after-call wrap time
Increase in daily call time by 30%
100% of calls have a complete set of notes, regardless of their brevity or complexity
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