BiznusSoft Case Studies Bonafide Security Solutions Enhances Operations with BiznusSoft Field Service and HR Applications
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Bonafide Security Solutions Enhances Operations with BiznusSoft Field Service and HR Applications

Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Robots - Wheeled Robots
National Security & Defense
Field Services
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Tamper Detection
Bonafide Security Solutions, a leading provider of commercial and residential security hardware and services in Wisconsin, was facing significant challenges with their inventory and invoicing processes. The company had been on the lookout for a more efficient field service solution for several years, having evaluated multiple vendors without finding a satisfactory solution. Their goal was to calculate profitability by work orders and take corrective actions to improve margins if key performance indicators (KPIs) were not met. However, the mobile solution they were using was not cloud-based, was slow, and was not accessible on different platforms, which further complicated their operations.
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Bonafide Security Solutions is a premier provider of commercial and residential security hardware and services in Wisconsin. The company offers a wide range of products and services, including safes, locks, surveillance, alarms, security systems, banking security equipment, master keys, deadbolt locks, padlocks, and more. They have been in the market for several years, constantly looking for ways to improve their service delivery and operational efficiency. Their commitment to providing top-notch security solutions has seen them evaluate multiple vendors in a bid to find a system that could eliminate their operational pain points, particularly in inventory and invoicing.
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Bonafide Security Solutions implemented BiznusSoft Field Service and HR applications to address their operational challenges. With this new system, the Bonafide team was able to create quotes twice as fast as before and convert them into agreements and work orders as needed. The invoicing process was significantly improved, becoming much smoother than before. Dispatching became easier with the drag and drop features to assign jobs to available technicians. While some of the inventory issues were resolved, BiznusSoft continued to work closely with Bonafide to address the remaining issues. The new mobile solution eliminated all issues related to accessibility and multiple platform support. The solution was highly configurable and customizable, and Bonafide worked with the BiznusSoft team to evolve it into an industry-leading solution. The reporting module allowed Bonafide’s team to create their own reports and dashboards on the fly.
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The implementation of BiznusSoft Field Service and HR applications brought about significant operational improvements for Bonafide Security Solutions. The new system not only addressed their invoicing and inventory challenges but also enhanced their overall service delivery. The mobile solution, being cloud-based, eliminated issues related to accessibility and platform support, making it easier for the team to work from anywhere. The solution's high configurability and customizability allowed Bonafide to tailor it to their specific needs, with the potential to evolve it into an industry-leading solution. The reporting module empowered the team to create their own reports and dashboards, providing them with real-time insights for better decision-making.
Bonafide team can create quotes twice as fast as before
Significant improvement in the invoicing process
Enhanced dispatching process with drag and drop features
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