Sisense Case Studies Blueline Telecom Revs from Monthly to Daily Insights
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Blueline Telecom Revs from Monthly to Daily Insights

Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Inventory Management
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Remote Asset Management
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Blueline’s biggest problem was figuring out which budget allocations were connected to which sources of revenue. A single marketing campaign could bundle together various lines of business, making it hard to get a clear picture of the bottom line of promotional activities or to break down the revenue of product bundles by product and sub-product. The company lacked a way to combine data sources from different departments, leading to standalone reports that didn’t match up. This confusion resulted in inappropriate investments, reactive problem-solving, and missed business opportunities. As Blueline prepared to launch their mobile initiative, Nacer decided it was time to address the problem once and for all, anticipating high volumes of transactions that could cause enormous problems if not managed properly.
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Blueline is a telecommunications company based in Madagascar, providing TV, internet, and recently mobile services since 1998. The company has been using different homegrown systems within each department for internal reporting, leading to inconsistent answers and interdepartmental friction. Nacer Adamou-Saidou, the Director of Information Systems, recognized the need for a Business Intelligence (BI) tool to manage their data effectively. Blueline's Information Systems Department aimed to create a single version of the truth and transition from monthly to daily insights using Sisense.
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Blueline’s CEO had Nacer compare and evaluate multiple BI solutions. With 50 million rows of data in various SQL databases and CSV files from partners, Nacer needed a product that could integrate numerous networks and file formats. Sisense was chosen for its ability to run analyses on a simple Octa-core CPU with 16GB of RAM. Shortly before deploying Sisense, Nacer implemented a new ERP system for procurement, inventory management, and customer support. Within the first week, the Information Systems team linked the ERP to Sisense, building dashboards with minimal training. Business users, previously uninterested, became engaged and capable of building their own dashboards due to the ease of use.
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Blueline uses Sisense as a data warehouse and dashboard solution, quickly attaching their ERP system and custom-built applications to it.
The team can now make their sales efforts more agile and cross-check information across departments, producing far more accurate reports.
The Information System team can aggregate data sources, cross-check information, and provide meaningful insights for all business units.
Blueline can now turn around a new dashboard in just a few days.
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