Case Studies BloomBright Enhances Recruitment Efficiency and Response Rates with Gem
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BloomBright Enhances Recruitment Efficiency and Response Rates with Gem

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BloomBright, a recruiting consulting firm, was facing several challenges in its operations. The company lacked an organization-wide knowledge-sharing base, making project sharing a cumbersome process with no follow-up reminders. The absence of a single solution for follow-ups further complicated the situation. BloomBright also needed a solution that would allow recruiters to send emails from clients' addresses. The company was struggling with too much busywork and tab-switching, which made personalizing outreach inefficient. Additionally, there was little visibility into the success of outreach campaigns, making it difficult to measure effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.
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BloomBright is a San Francisco-based recruiting consulting firm that partners with technology companies to help them identify and hire great talent. The firm also supports its clients in establishing and optimizing their recruiting organizations, processes, and strategies. Founded in 2016, BloomBright has worked with companies like Nextdoor, Carta, and Stripe. The firm intentionally keeps its team small to ensure that every client works directly with either Cara Debbaudt, BloomBright’s Founder and CEO, or Erica Waichman, its Director of Recruiting. BloomBright prides itself on providing a high level of attention from leadership to its clients.
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BloomBright adopted Gem, a solution that addressed their challenges effectively. With Gem, recruiters could easily share projects, craft full sequences, and set-and-forget follow-ups. The 'Send on behalf of' (SOBO) feature allowed BloomBright to significantly increase response rates. Recruiters could craft personalized outreach without leaving the LinkedIn profile, improving response rates and efficiency. They could also A/B test messaging, track open and response rates, report metrics to their clients, and hold themselves accountable with data. Gem's organization and automation features were game-changers for BloomBright. The tool integrated with all the systems BloomBright was using, eliminating the need for time-consuming tab-switching. The Chrome extension made it easy to craft outreach without leaving someone's profile, saving time and energy.
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The implementation of Gem brought about significant operational improvements for BloomBright. The tool's organization and automation features streamlined the company's processes, reducing the time and effort required for tasks such as finding emails and sharing projects. The ability to personalize outreach without leaving the LinkedIn profile made the process more efficient and effective. The SOBO feature allowed for more targeted outreach, significantly improving response rates. The tool's integration with various systems eliminated the need for time-consuming tab-switching, allowing recruiters to focus on meaningful touchpoints. Furthermore, Gem's ability to track open and response rates, A/B test messaging, and report metrics provided BloomBright with valuable insights into the success of their outreach campaigns, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.
BloomBright saw double, triple, sometimes quadruple the response rates with Gem's SOBO feature.
Gem's automation features cut hours in the day for BloomBright, improving conversion rates at the top of the funnel.
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