Bubble Group Case Studies Behavior Rocket: A No-Code Solution for Child Behavior Management
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Behavior Rocket: A No-Code Solution for Child Behavior Management

Bubble Group
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Intrusion Detection
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Quality Assurance
Behavior & Emotion Tracking
Livestock Monitoring
Behavior Rocket was developed by Vasco Lopes, a child clinical psychologist, to address the challenges parents face in managing their children's behavior. The need for such a solution became more apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic when working parents had to juggle their professional responsibilities and childcare at home. Parents often struggle with implementing consistent behavioral strategies to improve their child's behavior. The challenge was to create a platform that provides goal and reward-based strategies for parents to improve their child's behavior. The platform needed to be easy to use and accessible on parents' phones for convenience and consistency.
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The primary users of Behavior Rocket are parents who are looking for effective strategies to improve their child's behavior. The app is particularly beneficial for parents who are struggling to balance work and childcare, especially during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. The app's easy-to-use platform allows parents to consistently implement behavioral strategies, making it a valuable tool for managing their child's behavior. In the future, the app could also be adapted for teachers to manage students' behavior in the classroom, making it a versatile tool for both home and school environments.
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Lopes developed Behavior Rocket, an app that allows parents to create specific goals for their child, award points for positive behavior, select rewards, and enable their child to redeem rewards with the points they earn. The app also provides a dashboard that shows the child's progress towards ongoing goals, how close they are to redeeming rewards, and their overall behavioral compliance. Additionally, the app offers various tips and strategies to improve child behavior. Lopes used Bubble's no-code platform to develop the app, eliminating the need to hire engineers. The app is currently in beta-testing mode, with psychologist colleagues providing feedback for improvement.
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The operational results of Behavior Rocket have been positive so far. The app is currently in beta-testing mode, and feedback from psychologist colleagues has been encouraging. They have praised the app for its ease of use and the effectiveness of the strategies it offers for positively reinforcing child behavior. The app has also given Lopes a sense of purpose during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, providing hope that technology can be used to help families manage their children's behavior more effectively. In the future, Lopes plans to adapt the platform for use by teachers, further expanding its potential impact.
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