Blue Yonder Case Studies Beaver Street Fisheries Dramatically Improves Warehouse Efficiency and Accuracy
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Beaver Street Fisheries Dramatically Improves Warehouse Efficiency and Accuracy

Blue Yonder
Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Functional Applications - Transportation Management Systems (TMS)
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Food & Beverage
Logistics & Transportation
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Visibility
Warehouse Automation
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Beaver Street Fisheries, a leading wholesaler of seafood and meat, was struggling with operational efficiency, accuracy, and customer responsiveness in its warehouse operations. The company's 25-year-old homegrown legacy system was no longer able to keep up with the increasing customer requirements for special processing requests. The company was running an old school, paper-based, pick-ticket warehouse where employees would choose a pick ticket and then spend anywhere between five and 20 minutes looking for the product to fill the order. This lack of visibility affected productivity in the warehouse. The company also had issues with inventory accuracy, with products in the warehouse that couldn't be located, leading to delays in order fulfillment.
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Beaver Street Fisheries is a leading wholesaler of seafood and meat, headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. The company sells its products to mass discounters, grocers, distributors, food service companies, and restaurant chains under the Sea Best brand. Each year, the company imports more than 3,000 containers of seafood products from Asia, which are distributed across North America. The company also does some light manufacturing based on special customer requirements such as breading seafood, resizing it, or repackaging it. The company was looking for supply chain management solutions with state-of-the-art technologies and processes that would enable it to manage its operations on a scale that was previously not possible.
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Beaver Street Fisheries decided to implement solutions for warehouse management, warehouse labor management, transportation management, quality assurance, inventory traceability and recall from JDA Software’s Intelligent Fulfillment suite. The company chose to partner with JDA because of its proven experience in the food and beverage industries. The implementation in the company’s 185,000 square-foot warehouse took only 12 weeks with support from JDA Services. The new system provided the company with a technology platform that could address customer requests very quickly. The warehouse employees now rely on handheld devices with a simple user interface, making it easy to get new employees up and running quickly. The system also improved inventory accuracy by moving from lot-level tracking down to pallet-level tracking.
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The company's picking efficiencies have improved dramatically. Picking tasks have decreased from an average of 10 minutes to four minutes.
Picking errors have decreased from 5 percent to less than 1 percent.
The company’s overtime hours have gone down because it has much better accountability of its labor.
Improved inventory accuracy from 85 percent to 97 percent
Reduced average picking time by 60 percent
Decreased picking errors from 5 percent to less than 1 percent
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