Action1 Case Studies Bearzi Salesian Institute Streamlines Endpoint Management with Action1
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Bearzi Salesian Institute Streamlines Endpoint Management with Action1

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Device Management Platforms
Equipment & Machinery
Inventory Management
Time Sensitive Networking
Bearzi Salesian Institute, an educational organization based in Udine, Italy, faced a significant challenge when the COVID-19 pandemic forced a shift to remote learning. The institute, which includes a primary school, secondary school, technical institute, and training center, relies on approximately 160 laptops and other machines for instructional purposes. With the onset of remote learning, these devices were taken home by teachers, creating a complex situation for the IT team. The team found it increasingly difficult to manage these devices effectively and provide remote assistance to users. The geographical dispersion of the devices and the need for remote troubleshooting and maintenance posed a significant challenge to the IT team.
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Bearzi Salesian Institute is an educational organization located in Udine, Italy. The institute comprises a primary school, secondary school, technical institute, and training center. The organization relies heavily on technology for instructional purposes, with around 160 laptops and other machines in use. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the institute had to switch to remote learning, which involved teachers taking these devices home. This situation presented a unique challenge for the IT team, which had to manage these devices remotely and provide users with remote assistance.
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In response to the challenge, the IT team at Bearzi Institute evaluated several remote management and monitoring tools and ultimately chose Action1. The decision was based on two main factors. Firstly, the ease of deployment and short learning curve of the Action1 platform ensured quick time to value. The IT team was able to sign up, install the agents, and get the system up and running within minutes. Secondly, the platform proved to be very cost-effective. The team was able to deploy and test the solution on a significant number of endpoints for free before implementing it across the organization. With Action1, the IT team could manage all their endpoints remotely, perform a wide range of IT tasks, and provide high-quality IT support. The platform also allowed them to monitor all managed endpoints closely to maintain strong performance and streamline multiple IT tasks using powerful scripting capabilities.
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The implementation of Action1 brought about significant operational improvements for the Bearzi Salesian Institute. The IT team could now manage all their endpoints remotely, regardless of their location. This capability was particularly beneficial in the context of remote learning, where devices were dispersed geographically. The team could perform a wide range of IT tasks from a single interface, improving efficiency and productivity. The built-in remote desktop feature of Action1 enabled the IT team to connect to users' endpoints and troubleshoot issues without requiring any action from the users, saving time and effort. The platform's powerful scripting capabilities also allowed the team to streamline multiple IT tasks, further enhancing operational efficiency.
Quick deployment and setup of the Action1 platform within minutes
Cost-effective solution with the ability to test on a significant number of endpoints for free before full implementation
Ability to manage all endpoints remotely, regardless of their location
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