Actian Case Studies BBP builds reliable reputation on integrated development stack of Ingres and Red Hat
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BBP builds reliable reputation on integrated development stack of Ingres and Red Hat

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Process Control & Optimization
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
BBP AG is a software and solution vendor specializing in the integration of interbank applications. The company's middleware, IGTplus, connects financial institutions to payment transactions, securities trading, and processing systems. BBP offers this middleware on an in-house or ServiceBureau basis for a range of financial networks including SWIFTNet, the trading, clearing and settlement systems of the SIX Group, as well as FED and CHIPS. The company serves more than 200 financial institutions, making it the largest SWIFT SB in the world. Product reliability, security, and control are top priorities for BBP. The company must be able to guarantee continuous interbank connection availability and 24x7 access to their business-critical application, along with unshakable security and low total cost of ownership (TCO).
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BBP AG is an integrated software and solution vendor that specializes in the integration of interbank applications. The company was founded in Baden, Switzerland in 1984 and has been a subsidiary of New Jersey-based Fundtech Corporation since 1999. BBP develops financial messaging applications that are offered to financial institutions on an in-house or service bureau basis for SWIFT, SIC, and other financial networks. The company guarantees continuous interbank connection availability and 24x7 access to its IGTplus middleware. BBP and its subsidiaries directly serve more than 200 financial institutions, making it the largest SWIFT SB in the world. The company's entire business relies exclusively on an integrated commercial open source stack comprised of Ingres, a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
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BBP’s IGTplus middleware is a custom Java EE application developed in-house using the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and Ingres. The integrated application development stack of Red Hat and Ingres enabled BBP to develop its application in an environment preferred by their developers, and then to deploy in production within the same environment. This reduced overall project costs by approximately 30% without increasing risk or sacrificing quality. The integrated Ingres/JBoss stack has helped BBP to be awarded the “Provider of SWIFT Accredited Services” in recognition of its experience with SWIFT connections as well as its full compliance with financial criteria agreed upon by Switzerland, Austria, and Liechtenstein.
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Ability to develop and deploy in the same environment
Reduced cost and risk
Increased customer satisfaction
Reduced overall project costs by approximately 30%
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