Case Studies BBM/Creative Media Works: Leveraging Google Cloud for Cost-Effective Innovation
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BBM/Creative Media Works: Leveraging Google Cloud for Cost-Effective Innovation

Analytics & Modeling - Machine Learning
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Construction & Infrastructure
Product Research & Development
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Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Data Science Services

Creative Media Works, a division of Emtek, operates the global BBM consumer messaging and social networking platform under license from BlackBerry Limited. The platform has evolved from a text and video messaging app into a social ecosystem that unifies chat, social, commerce, content, and services. However, the company faced the challenge of intense competition and changing consumer expectations, making innovation, growth, and awareness of emerging trends essential to success. The company needed to evolve the text and video messaging app into a social service spanning chat, social, commerce, games, and more. Furthermore, the company had a hosting arrangement with BlackBerry for up to two years, after which it needed to identify a vendor to support its development work and cut over to them. The company determined that a hosted cloud environment should meet its agility, speed, and cost requirements.

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Creative Media Works is a division of Emtek, Indonesia's largest media, content, and social networking business. The organization operates the global BBM consumer messaging and social networking platform under license from BlackBerry Limited. BBM has evolved from a text and video messaging app into a social ecosystem that unifies chat, social, commerce, content, and services such as news, games, video, bill and top-up payment, comics, shopping, travel, career, transport, coupons, and sports. Creative Media Works now operates as a standalone business with teams in Canada, Singapore, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, and South Africa.

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Creative Media Works selected Google Cloud Platform as it provided the widest range of high-quality technology and services, at a competitive cost. The company was particularly interested in the potential of Google Cloud Platform custom virtual machine instances to optimize its compute usage; its expertise in database management; and its logging and monitoring. The company engaged Google Cloud Premier Partner and Specialization Partner Pythian to help deliver the project. India-based CloudCover operated in a time zone that was user friendly for the BBM team in Indonesia. With assistance from the Google Professional Services team, CloudCover, and Pythian, Creative Media Works embarked on a project to migrate BBM for Android, iOS, and Windows into Google Cloud Platform data centers in Singapore and Taiwan. The business used Cloud Interconnect – a Google networking service – to link the BlackBerry data centers in North America to its data centers in Asia.

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The migration to Google Cloud Platform has delivered immediate benefits to Creative Media Works. The organization now runs BBM for iOS and Android in a highly efficient Google Cloud Platform architecture. The global presence of Google Cloud Platform and its load balancing service has enabled the business to centralize its infrastructure in select regions while continuing to provide a low-latency experience for the global BBM subscriber base. The Cloud Pub/Sub messaging service gathers and forwards all events to the Creative Media Works ecosystem, while Cloud Dataflow enables the business to rely on a single cloud-based managed service for batch and stream processing. This allows the business to perform more frequent analysis to guide product development, feature testing, and the creation of more intelligent user-facing features.

Reduced infrastructure costs by 30% for messaging and social app

Captures and visualizes 1 petabyte of log data per month

Manages millions of requests per second

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