IBM Case Studies Baseline Telematics: Accelerating Global Insurance Solutions with SoftLayer Hybrid Infrastructure
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Baseline Telematics: Accelerating Global Insurance Solutions with SoftLayer Hybrid Infrastructure

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Hybrid Cloud
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Private Cloud
Finance & Insurance
Construction Management
Usage-Based Insurance
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Baseline Telematics, a leading global provider of technology solutions to the insurance industry, was faced with the challenge of delivering its innovative usage-based platforms to insurance organizations worldwide. As the company grew, it realized that each customer required its own dedicated private cloud, making security audits complicated in a multi-tenant environment. Additionally, to serve a global customer base, Baseline needed a cloud hosting platform that was scalable, had private, dedicated resources, and offered international data center presence. The company did not want to have to search for a reliable provider in each country it operated in.
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Baseline Telematics, headquartered in Quebec, Canada, is a leading global provider of cutting-edge technology solutions to the insurance industry. The company specializes in risk mitigation and offers usage-based platforms designed to help insurers quote, price, and sell policies based on customers’ driving habits. As the company grew, it realized the need for a scalable cloud hosting platform with private, dedicated resources to deliver its innovative solutions to insurance organizations worldwide.
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After evaluating leading cloud solutions, Baseline determined that only the SoftLayer cloud platform met its requirements. The company provisioned bare metal servers and virtual machines in SoftLayer data centers in Amsterdam, London, Montreal, and Toronto, creating a robust hybrid cloud hosting infrastructure with load balancing capabilities. The business is migrating all customers to the new environment and plans to extend its infrastructure to additional SoftLayer data centers in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Australia. SoftLayer technology provides Baseline with scalable, dedicated cloud computing resources to agilely support growth on a global scale and speed time to market.
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With the SoftLayer hybrid cloud solution, Baseline Telematics has been able to drive business growth on a global scale, accelerate time to market, and support customers in meeting industry regulations. The company now has the ability to easily deploy a SoftLayer environment for a customer in about an hour, significantly reducing the time and resources previously required. Additionally, the SoftLayer platform allows Baseline to support its insurance customers in addressing industry hosting regulations, providing a valuable local presence globally.
The SoftLayer environment can be deployed for a customer in about an hour, compared to several days of manual work by skilled IT resources.
The company can now roll out new customer processes 88 percent faster, in 13 weeks versus two years.
Bank customers can now report lost or stolen debit cards and receive replacement cards 67 percent faster than before, from six to two working days.
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