Aspire Systems Case Studies Azure Optimization and Continuous Support for a Global Chemical Manufacturing Company
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Azure Optimization and Continuous Support for a Global Chemical Manufacturing Company

Aspire Systems
Azure Optimization and Continuous Support for a Global Chemical Manufacturing Company - Aspire Systems Industrial IoT Case Study
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Event-Driven Application
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Storage Services
Product Research & Development
Behavior & Emotion Tracking
Leakage & Flood Monitoring
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Cybersecurity Services
The client, a global Univar solution company specializing in chemical manufacturing, was facing several challenges with their Azure Cloud Services and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). The issues included unavailability of application for 30 minutes during AKS update, AKS vulnerability, lack of support for on-premise systems, complex deployment in CPT and their PDMS application involving AI/ML, redundant storage accounts and application service plans, insufficient pods and inefficient pod deployments. The client also expressed a need for continuous support and monitoring of their AKS, and a desire to reduce their turnaround time by implementing Azure best practices.
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The client is a Univar solution company that specializes in chemical manufacturing. They employ nearly 500 people across the globe and have applications in various sectors including chemistry, technology, aerospace, architecture, medical devices, industry machinery, and appliances. The company has expanded to multiple locations including the US, Africa, Mexico, the Middle East, Canada, and parts of Europe. They utilize the strengths of traditional distribution and build on this model by embracing technology and innovation to improve the customer experience. They engage in exclusive product line relationships with premier manufacturers to provide personalized marketing, sales, and distribution services for more than 90 supplier partners for over 190 product lines globally. Their aim is to revolutionize how chemicals are distributed by incorporating tech innovations to steer towards meaningful growth.
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Aspire Systems, a global technology services firm, provided a comprehensive solution to the client's challenges. The development team researched and documented every issue, proposed the best possible solutions, and swiftly fixed bugs and errors upon client approval. This approach significantly reduced the client's turnaround time. Aspire was able to reduce the application unavailability during AKS update from 30 minutes to 10 minutes, remediate AKS vulnerability, and provide cloud server support and on-premise. They implemented a function app for SP expire notification, handled the client's AAD, AD and all Azure services, monitored the AKS, updated the node image, and created alerts for when pod restarts. They also improved the client's webapp access, removed unused storage accounts and app service plans, and provided Azure consulting, optimization, monitoring and support services.
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The solutions provided by Aspire Systems resulted in significant operational improvements for the client. The reduction in application unavailability during AKS updates and the remediation of AKS vulnerability enhanced the reliability and security of the client's systems. The removal of unused storage accounts and app service plans streamlined the client's resources, reducing waste and improving efficiency. The modification of webapp access improved the user experience, while the automatic triggering of alerts for the product team and CPT improved communication and response times. The implementation of Azure best practices and continuous monitoring and support of AKS ensured the client's systems were optimized and running smoothly. Overall, the solutions provided by Aspire Systems increased customer satisfaction and expanded the client's customer base.
Reduced application unavailability during AKS update from 30 minutes to 10 minutes
Remediated AKS vulnerability
Removed unused storage account and app services plan
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