Zapier Case Studies Automation in Podcast Management: A Case Study of 'Let's Talk Business'
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Automation in Podcast Management: A Case Study of 'Let's Talk Business'

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Meny Hoffman, the host of 'Let's Talk Business' podcast and CEO of Ptex Group, was facing a significant challenge in managing the podcast alongside his other responsibilities. The podcast, which features interviews with business owners and thought leaders, required a considerable amount of time and effort to manage, particularly in the onboarding process for the more than 70 guests featured. The process involved multiple steps, including sending emails to guests, preparing interview assets and questions, and maintaining records. Without automation, managing these tasks was overwhelming and time-consuming, making it nearly impossible to launch the podcast.

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Meny Hoffman is the host of the 'Let's Talk Business' podcast and the CEO of Ptex Group, a marketing agency based in Brooklyn. The podcast, launched in 2019, is focused on sharing business insights and features interviews with business owners and thought leaders from around the world. The podcast has already amassed 75 episodes since its launch. In addition to his roles as a podcast host and CEO, Hoffman is also a father of eight, making his time extremely valuable and limited.

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To streamline the podcast management process, Hoffman turned to automation, specifically using Zapier, a tool that integrates various apps and automates tasks. A 22-step Zap was created to handle tasks across multiple apps, including Smartsheet, Keap, AppointmentCore, Google Drive, Google Docs, and Dropbox. This Zap automated the process of sending emails to guests, creating and tracking interview documents, and maintaining records in Smartsheet. Furthermore, Hoffman engaged Flow Digital, a certified consultant from the Zapier Experts program, to identify the best tools for the project, build the Zaps, and train the team member responsible for maintaining the few manual tasks that remained. This level of automation allowed the 'Let's Talk Business' team to save significant time and focus on more important tasks.

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The automation process has not only saved time but also streamlined the podcast management process, making it more efficient and less overwhelming. It has allowed the team to focus on more important tasks, such as creating quality content and growing the podcast. The automation has also ensured that the podcast's onboarding process for guests is smooth and well-organized, enhancing the guest experience. Furthermore, the engagement with Flow Digital has equipped the team with the necessary skills to maintain the few manual tasks that remained, further enhancing their operational efficiency.

The automation process saves the 'Let's Talk Business' team an average of two hours per episode.

The podcast has been able to produce 75 episodes since its launch in 2019, thanks to the efficiency brought about by automation.

The automation process involves a 22-step Zap, handling tasks across multiple apps, significantly reducing manual work.

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