Zapier Case Studies Automating Social Media Marketing: A Case Study on Palm Beach Tech Association
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Automating Social Media Marketing: A Case Study on Palm Beach Tech Association

Sales & Marketing
Building Automation & Control
Time Sensitive Networking

The Palm Beach Tech Association, a non-profit organization, was founded with the aim of uniting and fostering the technology industries throughout Palm Beach County. The association became a hub for the community, attracting everyone from corporate CEOs to freelancers. One of their core initiatives was to offer a local careers board for freelance, part-time, and full-time positions, with opportunities posted throughout the year. To communicate these opportunities, the association relied heavily on social media channels. However, updating these channels was a tedious process, with staff or volunteers manually updating the association’s many social networks. This was a time-consuming task that diverted resources away from the association's core mission.

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The Palm Beach Tech Association is a non-profit organization founded by a group of entrepreneurs with the aim of connecting self-starters with resources and community. The association offers collaborative workspaces, industry meetups, jobs boards, an awards dinner, and more to build networks and foster community. In a few years, it has grown to become one of the largest innovation organizations in Florida. The association's core initiatives include developing an educational pipeline for local tech companies to hire from, drawing businesses to the region by building up the region’s brand, and acting as a voice of the county’s technology industry to government and business leaders.

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To streamline its social media publishing efforts, the Palm Beach Tech Association turned to Zapier, an app automation tool. With Zapier, the association was able to automate its social media updates. Whenever a new job opportunity was submitted to the career board, Zapier automatically pushed an update to the association's social media channels, including Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slack, and the director’s personal social media. This automation happened instantly, thanks to Zapier's 'Zaps', which act as a bridge between two or more apps. By leveraging Zapier's efficient workflows, the association was able to spend more time on its core mission, rather than on manual tasks.

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The use of Zapier's app automation tool has significantly improved the operational efficiency of the Palm Beach Tech Association. The automation of social media updates has freed up staff and volunteers to focus on other important tasks, thereby enhancing the association's productivity. Moreover, the instant updates to multiple social media channels have ensured that the association's members are promptly informed about new job opportunities. This has not only improved the association's communication with its members but has also potentially increased the visibility and reach of these job opportunities. Overall, the use of Zapier has enabled the association to better fulfill its mission of uniting and building up the technology industries throughout Palm Beach County.

Automation of social media updates, saving time and resources

Instant updates to multiple social media channels whenever a new job opportunity is posted

15% discount offered by Zapier for non-profits

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