Zapier Case Studies Automating Client Onboarding in Digital Marketing: A Case Study
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Automating Client Onboarding in Digital Marketing: A Case Study

Finance & Insurance
Sales & Marketing
Leasing Finance Automation
Material Handling Automation

Julie Stoian, a digital marketing consultant and tech coach at ClickFunnels and owner of Create Your Laptop Life (CYLL), was facing a significant challenge in managing her businesses. The manual steps involved in running her course and coaching business were time-consuming and detracted from her ability to focus on her clients and business growth. The manual work meant that Julie either had to spend less time on her clients and businesses or hire additional staff to manage tasks, which would increase costs. The challenge was to find a way to automate these tasks, keep costs low, and allow Julie to focus on more critical aspects of her business.

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Julie Stoian is a digital marketing consultant and tech coach at ClickFunnels and the owner of Create Your Laptop Life (CYLL). She runs her own small business and is responsible for making critical decisions that affect her time and money. She was looking for a solution to automate time-consuming tasks, keep costs low, and focus on more important aspects of her business. Julie's businesses include running online courses and coaching, which require a multi-step onboarding process for new clients. As her businesses grew, onboarding became a major timesink, prompting her to seek an automation solution.

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Julie turned to automation to solve her problem. She learned about Zapier, an app automation tool, from a fellow entrepreneur and began using it to automate her workflows. She currently has 25 Zaps running, most of which help her with onboarding new clients. Zaps bridge different applications together, so when a new purchase is made on Julie's site through ClickFunnels, Zapier sends the client's information to various apps like Trello, Slack, and more. Central to her Zaps and workflows is ClickFunnels, which allows Julie and the CYLL team to build different funnels into their website, drawing potential clients to fill out a form for more information and hopefully, make a purchase. With Zaps connecting these tools and more, Julie and her team no longer have to export leads and import them into a new system or manually send Slack messages for each new Google Forms response.

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The operational results of implementing automation in Julie's businesses have been significant. The automation of tasks has not only saved time and money but also improved the efficiency of her businesses. Onboarding new clients, which used to be a major timesink, is now handled instantly by Zapier. This has freed up time for Julie and her team to focus on more important aspects of their work, such as connecting with their clients. The automation has also eliminated the need for superfluous staff, further reducing costs. Moreover, the automation has allowed Julie to authentically connect with her audience more, enhancing the quality of her services.

Automation reduced the time spent on onboarding new clients, freeing up Julie and her team's time for other tasks.

The need for additional staff was eliminated, saving costs.

The automation process now happens instantly, compared to the entire morning it used to take.

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