Case Studies As Dynamic Yield Scales, So Does Its Use of Redis Enterprise from Redis Labs
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As Dynamic Yield Scales, So Does Its Use of Redis Enterprise from Redis Labs

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Maintenance
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
Dynamic Yield faced significant challenges as it scaled its operations. Initially, the company used open source Redis as a simple, local cache. However, as the user base and application portfolio grew, Redis evolved into a core component of their operations, touching almost every feature of the platform. By 2016, the database had grown from ten to 400 gigabytes, making scaling a pressing issue. The company needed to maintain the ease of use, high performance, and flexibility it enjoyed with Redis while addressing these scaling challenges. Additionally, by 2018, Dynamic Yield was overseeing more than a terabyte of data, organized in three Redis clusters with approximately 15 nodes per cluster. Database maintenance and associated development operations were becoming too time-consuming, necessitating a more efficient solution.
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Dynamic Yield is a customer personalization platform designed for marketers. The platform optimizes and personalizes experiences for end users across various channels, including mobile, web, app, and email engagements. Capturing more than 600 billion events per month, Dynamic Yield has seen its user base more than double every year since 2013. The company leverages NoSQL Redis Enterprise to support its growing user base and has integrated Redis into almost every personalization solution it offers. Dynamic Yield's innovative approach and rapid growth have made it a significant player in the customer personalization space.
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To address its scaling issues, Dynamic Yield turned to Redis Enterprise in 2016. Redis Enterprise preserved their investment in Redis while offering additional benefits such as high availability, backup and restore, data persistence, and sharding. The migration from open source Redis to Redis Enterprise was seamless, saving months of human work as there was no need to rewrite code or retrain staff. By 2018, Dynamic Yield implemented Redis Enterprise VPC, a fully managed Redis Enterprise service by Redis Labs, to handle their growing data needs. This move eliminated the need for the team to manage Redis-related issues, allowing them to focus on more strategic projects. Additionally, Dynamic Yield implemented Redis on Flash, which stores cold data in cost-effective Flash storage, reducing the need for expensive RAM. This solution provided significant infrastructure cost savings without sacrificing the sub-millisecond latency they had come to expect from Redis.
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Dynamic Yield's use of Redis Enterprise has resulted in zero operational hassle, allowing the company to focus on more strategic projects.
The implementation of Redis Enterprise VPC has ensured that the team no longer needs to wake up to deal with Redis-related issues, providing peace of mind and better sleep for the team.
Redis on Flash has acted as a memory extender, providing significant infrastructure cost savings without sacrificing performance.
Dynamic Yield has realized an average latency of less than one millisecond with Redis Enterprise.
Flash storage for cold values has reduced Dynamic Yield’s annual infrastructure costs by over 35%.
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