Convoy Case Studies Anheuser-Busch's Sustainability Challenge: Reducing 20 Million Empty Miles with IoT
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Anheuser-Busch's Sustainability Challenge: Reducing 20 Million Empty Miles with IoT

Functional Applications - Fleet Management Systems (FMS)
Functional Applications - Transportation Management Systems (TMS)
Logistics & Transportation
Autonomous Transport Systems
Transportation Simulation
System Integration
Anheuser-Busch, a leading beverage company, had set ambitious sustainability goals for 2025, including a 25% reduction in carbon emissions across its entire value chain. However, the company faced a significant challenge in achieving these goals due to the 20 million annual empty miles in its supply chain. These empty miles represented a significant source of carbon emissions and inefficiency. Anheuser-Busch operates more than 100 facilities in North America, moving approximately 800,000 shipments per year across 12,000 unique lanes. The company uses a large private fleet and aims for a 50-50 balance between its own assets and purchased transportation. However, filling the backhauls of Anheuser-Busch's private fleet posed a significant challenge, representing a massive opportunity for efficiency gains and reduced environmental impact.
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Anheuser-Busch is a leading beverage company with more than 100 facilities in North America. The company moves approximately 800,000 shipments per year across 12,000 unique lanes. Anheuser-Busch uses a large private fleet and aims for a 50-50 balance between its own assets and purchased transportation. The company has set ambitious sustainability goals for 2025, including a 25% reduction in carbon emissions across its entire value chain. To achieve these goals, Anheuser-Busch is focusing on reducing indirect emissions in the supply chain from suppliers and transportation partners, known as Scope 3 emissions.
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To address this challenge, Anheuser-Busch partnered with Convoy, a Seattle-based digital freight network, in 2016. Convoy's load batching capabilities offered Anheuser-Busch significant efficiency gains and helped reduce the company's environmental impact by reducing empty miles. With batching, carriers select round-trip routes, booking headhaul and backhaul loads at the same time to keep trucks rolling and asset utilization high. This solution was particularly beneficial during the coronavirus pandemic, when Anheuser-Busch's distribution was disrupted and the company needed to adjust its transportation strategy. Convoy's real-time insights into transportation market cost and capacity availability helped Anheuser-Busch make smarter purchasing decisions. Additionally, Convoy provided Anheuser-Busch with monthly facility reports based on carrier reviews, enabling the company to identify hot spots within its network, understand the cost of operating inefficiently, and rapidly implement changes.
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The partnership with Convoy has enabled Anheuser-Busch to make significant strides towards its sustainability goals. The reduction in empty miles has not only led to a decrease in carbon emissions but also improved the efficiency of the company's supply chain. The real-time insights provided by Convoy have allowed Anheuser-Busch to make smarter purchasing decisions and adjust its transportation strategy in response to changing market conditions, such as the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Furthermore, the monthly facility reports from Convoy have enabled Anheuser-Busch to identify inefficiencies within its network and implement changes rapidly. This has resulted in a more efficient and sustainable transportation system that aligns with the company's ambitious sustainability goals.
Reduced 20 million annual empty miles in the supply chain, leading to significant carbon emissions reduction
Improved asset utilization through Convoy's load batching capabilities
Enabled rapid implementation of changes through Convoy's monthly facility reports
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