Sphera Case Studies Anadarko Raises Deepwater Drilling Hazard Assessments to Ensure SEMS Compliance, Enable Sustainable Growth
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Anadarko Raises Deepwater Drilling Hazard Assessments to Ensure SEMS Compliance, Enable Sustainable Growth

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Oil & Gas
Discrete Manufacturing
Process Control & Optimization
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Software Design & Engineering Services
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, one of the world's largest independent oil and natural gas exploration and production companies, was faced with the challenge of complying with new U.S. regulatory requirements to support Safety and Environmental Management System (SEMS). The company needed to streamline its drilling permit application process and simplify the management of change. Additionally, Anadarko was faced with the challenge of minimizing operational disruption and delays due to the replacement of experienced staff. The company was deeply affected by the tragic Deepwater Horizon events in 2010, which led to a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling operations across the Gulf of Mexico and the mandatory adoption of SEMS by federal authorities.
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Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is among the world’s largest independent oil and natural gas exploration and production companies, with 2.56 billion barrels of oil equivalent in proved reserves at year-end 2012. The company has operations throughout the United States – with onshore assets in the Rocky Mountains region, the southern U.S. and the Appalachian Basin – and is well known for its successful deepwater operations in the Gulf of Mexico and Internationally. Anadarko is widely recognized for its innovation and commitment to delivering energy resources to the market in a manner that protects the safety of its employees and the communities where it operates. The company’s strong culture of bottom-up employee involvement ensures that Anadarko’s commitment to safety is carried out daily at all levels of the organization, throughout its operations.
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To ensure compliance with SEMS standards and additional safety measures, Anadarko set out to implement an enterprise-level software solution that would provide the information framework for hazard assessments. The company selected Sphera’s Stature® software, part of the Sphera Operational Risk Solution, due to its capabilities and flexibility. Sphera services experts worked closely with Anadarko stakeholders to fine-tune the software’s hazard template for use in deepwater Drilling and Completion operations in the Gulf of Mexico. The team captured and documented Anadarko’s best practices in a standard template that parallels each phase of an operation. As a result, Anadarko is now successfully using the Sphera system to meet SEMS and AMS requirements, while also gaining a competitive edge that quickly caught the attention of other operators.
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Formalized and standardized proven hazard assessment work processes to ensure full compliance with SEMS regulations
Tailored industry best-practice template for hazard assessments to fit drilling operations
Modified permit application process and supporting steps so they are now routinely completed in 1 day vs. 3 weeks for many competitors
Permit application process and supporting steps are now routinely completed in 1 day vs. 3 weeks for many competitors
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