IBM Case Studies Amica reduces software deployment times by 95 – 98 percent
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Amica reduces software deployment times by 95 – 98 percent

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Discrete Manufacturing
Predictive Maintenance
Software Design & Engineering Services
Amica, a mutual insurer providing auto, home, and life insurance, was facing issues with its software deployment processes. The company's environment included numerous web services, multiple web apps, and core applications. With dozens of developers checking in code, deploying the correct version of each service and application to multiple test, production, and backup environments had become extremely difficult. The process of ensuring the proper version of the right code was installed correctly on each environment had become a logistical nightmare. When issues arose with the deployment, they were often caused by application inconsistencies, rather than a code defect.
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Amica is a mutual insurer that provides auto, home, and life insurance. The company's environment includes numerous web services, multiple web apps, and core applications. Dozens of developers were checking in code, which the company then had to deploy to multiple environments. The process of making sure that it deployed the correct version of each service and application to numerous test, production, and backup environments had become extremely difficult.
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Amica created an Application Configuration Management (ACM) team, which implemented IBM UrbanCode Deploy software, integrating it with the company’s existing open source tools. The team worked with the Client/Server Infrastructure (CSI) team to use the IBM UrbanCode software to create repeatable deployment processes that help it deploy the correct versions of each web service and application, along with the correct version of all the dependent code, which significantly reduces compatibility issues. Using IBM UrbanCode Deploy software, the team can then re-create a deployment quickly. As part of a more comprehensive DevOps approach, the ACM also embedded static code analysis tools into its build and deploy processes. The tools analyze code every time it’s checked into the company repository, and if it doesn’t meet a certain quality threshold, the tools reject it. This process helps prevent defects from being deployed in the first place.
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Developers have been freed from having to troubleshoot deployment issues.
The solution has virtually eliminated downtime for testers.
The company can now reject a bad build and leave the environment alone until the issue has been fixed.
Cut deployment times by 95 – 98 percent
Reduced environment downtime for projects using UrbanCode
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