Astera Case Studies Alshaya Group Case Study
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Alshaya Group Case Study

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Business Operation
Logistics & Transportation
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Data Science Services
Alshaya Group, a leading name in international brand franchising, was looking to overhaul its existing legacy data architecture as part of its digital transformation journey. The company aimed to implement modern retail and merchandising solutions for better order, inventory, and warehouse management across all their locations. The primary focus was to deploy a standardized data migration framework that could intelligently handle the high volume and velocity of historical data belonging to each brand category. The company opted for a hybrid cloud approach to achieve this objective, which required moving historical data from its legacy ERP systems into an enterprise data warehouse and making trusted data available for real-time analytics through cloud applications. However, Alshaya Group faced challenges in all three key foundational areas of digital transformation: people, process, and technology. The company didn't have the technical resources, dedicated processes, and the right technology stack to build and sustain a standardized framework for moving historical data to its enterprise data warehouse.
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Alshaya Group is a leading name in international brand franchising with a comprehensive portfolio of businesses and investments in various divisions, including food, fashion, pharmacy, health & beauty, leisure, home furnishings, and entertainment. Established in 1890, the company has experienced substantial growth over a century, expanding its reach from the MENA region to Europe, Turkey, and Russia. Today, the retail giant owns over 4000 stores, carrying 90+ renowned brands, including Starbucks, H&M, American Eagle, The Body Shop, and more. One of Alshaya Group's core values is delivering a stellar customer experience. With rapid shifts in the global market and consumer behaviors across its diverse range of brand categories, the company needed to stay updated with the evolving customer requirements.
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After evaluating several data management solutions, Alshaya Group partnered with Astera Software and Dvsum to combine their technologies and fill the people, process, and technology gaps in their current approach. Astera Centerprise serves as the primary data integration tool to orchestrate the ETL process from legacy sources to populate the enterprise data warehouse with clean, trusted data. The DvSum Enterprise Data Quality tool provides data discovery capabilities to build a comprehensive catalog for profiling and enriching the source data. Once the data catalog has been developed, the DvSum tool cleans, transforms, and validates the data for errors, like mismatching values, formatting issues, incomplete fields, and others. Centerprise pulls the verified data from the staging database and stores it in XML and flat file formats, which are then delivered to the target data warehouse.
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Executed over 16 migrations with more than 2 billion records in over 5000 database tables.
Streamlined the data movement process, making it much more efficient.
Successfully implemented an end-to-end data migration framework for one of the brands.
20% increase in the quality of migration outputs.
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