NETSCOUT Case Studies Agency Solves Two-Month-Old Problem in 2 Minutes with nGeniusONE
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Agency Solves Two-Month-Old Problem in 2 Minutes with nGeniusONE

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Business Operation
System Integration
The North American Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) was facing challenges in improving visibility from their data center hub into DMV branch and user operations. The underlying network, application, and voice environment needed to run optimally to avoid delays that could result in longer lines, frustrated customers, and adverse publicity. The IT team was also facing the challenge of implementing and maintaining Software-defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) and Microsoft Office 365 technology rollouts without a service assurance technology solution approach.
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The customer is a North American Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) that prioritizes the personal touch in their business dealings with customers. The DMV has fewer than 1,000 employees across more than 250 service outlets processing 10+ million annual license, registration, title, and insurance transactions. In addition to this, the DMV manages the physical infrastructure of the regional roadway system and coordinates high-profile media campaigns to increase awareness of automobile, motorcycle, and bicycle safety. With annual population increases in this region, the DMV finds itself processing more in-person branch transactions, creating a greater reliance on their government IT team to deliver network, application, and voice technology services that help run registry business.
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The IT team identified the NETSCOUT® nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform and InfiniStream monitoring appliances as the best solution for their requirements. The nGeniusONE platform leverages InfiniStream appliances with smart data from NETSCOUT’s patented Adaptive Service Intelligence™ (ASI) technology. The agency is using the smart analytics and intuitive workflows in the nGeniusONE solution to accurately monitor traffic data across the network with deep granularity to identify capacity, network, and/or services shortfalls, as well as to better understand how resources are being consumed enterprise-wide. In addressing mandatory RFP requirements, nGeniusONE easily provided and demonstrated functionality highly desired for the DMV project, including delivery of enhanced network visibility, proactive event correlation, and contextual drill-downs into packet-based forensic analysis.
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Quick time to value with rapid configuration and discovery to solve 2 month-old UC&C issue in 2 minutes
Extending value of their investment in nGeniusONE that transcends agency’s NPM RFP scope to provide an APM solution as well
Shortened MTTR - nGeniusONE Reduces Agency Voice Troubleshooting from 2 Months to 2 Minutes
Reduced mean-time-to-repair cycles
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