ECI Software Solutions Case Studies Aerospace fabricator flies high with E2 software
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Aerospace fabricator flies high with E2 software

ECI Software Solutions
Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Discrete Manufacturing
Quality Assurance
Manufacturing System Automation
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Davidson Fabrication, a Pennsylvania-based sheet metal fabricator, works with some of the aerospace industry’s biggest commercial and defense companies. At any given time, Davidson is routing up to 400 jobs and parts through 7 different departments and working with numerous specialty contractors. To handle and monitor the workload, Davidson uses Shoptech’s E2 software. Prior to 2009, Davidson had managed its workflow with a legacy system that was based in Microsoft Access. The system was effective enough at sorting and displaying information, but it wasn’t “intelligent or interactive.” In addition to the Access database, Davidson used a set of Microsoft Word sheets to track a part as it moved through the fabrication process. As a part would go through each of Davidson’s seven systems, the department operator would have to update the information on the part’s sheet. This was a very cumbersome and time-consuming process.
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Davidson Fabrication is a family-owned business founded by Jim Davidson in 1966 and is currently run by the second generation. This Pennsylvania-based sheet metal fabricator works with some of the aerospace industry’s biggest commercial and defense companies. The company is tasked with routing up to 400 jobs and parts through 7 different departments and working with numerous specialty contractors. To handle and monitor the workload, Davidson uses Shoptech’s E2 software. Davidson contract administrator Kathy Koci says that E2 keeps the process rolling, and that Davidson wouldn’t be able to effectively serve its customers without E2 in place.
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In 2007, Davidson purchased E2. However, the company didn’t implement the system until 2009. Koci said that, fortunately, Shoptech was extremely helpful in aiding the transition. She said they provided, for example, detailed screenshots to help those system users who weren’t necessarily PC-proficient. Koci also said that Davidson made the transition smoother by running parallel systems - the Access database and the E2 software - for a period of time. Running the two systems parallel allowed users to transition off the old system and ease into the new one. E2 allows Davidson to perform a few crucial tasks. First, using the E2 Data Collection Module, it allows Davidson to get a real-time view into their process and see where their parts and jobs are. That’s important because Davidson has to outsource some functions to a variety of contractors. For work like special coatings and heat sealing, the parts are sent out. E2 gives Davidson to easily manage that process. E2 also helps Davidson be more responsive to their customers’ needs. Davidson fills many orders for customers on an “as-needed” basis. That means that a customer may order a few thousand parts, but may want them sent in batches as they need them. Davidson has to be prepared to fill any size order at any time to meet that need.
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E2 allows Davidson to get a real-time view into their process and see where their parts and jobs are.
E2 helps Davidson be more responsive to their customers’ needs.
E2’s Quality Module, which includes a proprietary Rapid Documentation System, streamlines how Davidson keeps up with and conforms with the aerospace industry’s AS9100 quality management system.
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