Case Studies AEGON Hungary Transforms Board Meetings with Mobile BI Solution
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AEGON Hungary Transforms Board Meetings with Mobile BI Solution

Analytics & Modeling - Data Mining
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Remote Control
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
AEGON Hungary faced several challenges in its reporting landscape. The company had been using a combination of SQL, Excel, and Oracle tools for insights since before 2000. By 2006, they had incorporated data mining tools from SPSS to enhance risk analysis, sales support, customer service, and product development. However, the prolonged financial crisis led to declining fees, reduced profitability, and new market players, prompting AEGON to seek ways to revitalize its business. They identified four key goals: renovating the existing management information system, improving sales support, providing better and smarter customer service, and making the core claims settling process cheaper and more efficient. The existing process for board meetings involved two weeks of manual gathering and consolidation of data into static PowerPoint presentations, which lacked real analytics and required Excel support for further insights.
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AEGON Hungary is a subsidiary of the AEGON Group, which has been offering financial services and insurance for over 150 years. The company operates in more than 20 markets and serves over 40 million customers worldwide. In Hungary, AEGON serves approximately 1.5 million customers with 1.7 million policies. The company processes nearly 1 million phone calls and 300,000 claim files annually, supported by 18 significant IT systems feeding 117 individual databases with 9.2 terabytes of data. This extensive data landscape requires efficient management and reporting to provide insights to the board and support decision-making processes.
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AEGON Hungary decided to revolutionize its IT structure with mobile apps, inspired by a MicroStrategy presentation on mobile intelligence. With the help of MicroStrategy partner BiXPERT, they embarked on a pilot project to upgrade their reporting system. The new solution involved replacing the manual process of gathering and consolidating data for board meetings with a mobile app. The app replicated all report content in a visually appealing and interactive manner, allowing management to analyze sales channels and product performance down to the individual salesperson and product. The focus was on providing accurate information on plans versus results to enable timely decision-making. The introduction of mobile BI transformed the way board meetings were conducted, providing real-time access to reports and analytics on iPads and iPhones, with plans to extend compatibility to Android devices.
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The introduction of mobile BI replaced the manual process of gathering and consolidating data for board meetings, significantly improving efficiency.
The new mobile app provided an interactive view of data, enabling management to analyze sales channels and product performance in real-time.
Reports became available anywhere and anytime, allowing managers to access the latest numbers without waiting for the next meeting.
AEGON Hungary serves approximately 1.5 million customers with 1.7 million policies.
The company processes nearly 1 million phone calls and 300,000 claim files annually.
Eighteen significant IT systems feed 117 individual databases with 9.2 terabytes of data stored.
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