Alteryx Case Studies Adidas Automates PowerPoint Presentations to Save Time and Cut Errors
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Adidas Automates PowerPoint Presentations to Save Time and Cut Errors

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Database Management & Storage
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Databases
Equipment & Machinery
Time Sensitive Networking
Adidas was facing a challenge with the repetitive task of updating PowerPoint presentations with new data. The process involved downloading data from a database, storing it in Excel, and manually copying and pasting it into PowerPoint. This process was not only tedious but also prone to errors. The company was looking for a solution that could automate this process, saving time and reducing the possibility of errors.
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Adidas is a multinational corporation, founded and headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Germany, that designs and manufactures shoes, clothing, and accessories. It is the largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe, and the second largest in the world, after Nike. The company was in need of a solution to automate the process of updating PowerPoint presentations with new data, a task that was time-consuming and prone to errors.
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Adidas implemented a solution based on the Slide Compiler approach, which included a macro for updating PowerPoint slides. The process involved creating a PowerPoint template with unique strings replacing all values. A copy of this template was then created and unzipped to a separate folder. A mapping table was created with the columns Name and Value, where Name contained the dummy strings and Value contained the real data. Each slide was stored as an .xml file and imported into Alteryx. The mapping table and the slide xml file were connected to the PPTX_macro_values.yxmc macro. The macro replaced the dummy data in the xml string with real data from the mapping table. The final .pptx file was generated by zipping up the replacement folder and renaming it to a .pptx file.
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The implementation of the Slide Compiler approach and the use of a macro for updating PowerPoint slides has greatly improved the efficiency of Adidas' operations. The automation of the process has not only saved time but also eliminated the possibility of manual input errors. This has resulted in more accurate and up-to-date PowerPoint presentations being generated, which has improved the company's ability to present and analyze data. The solution has also freed up resources, allowing employees to focus on more strategic tasks.
Significant time saved by automating the process of updating PowerPoint presentations
Elimination of manual input errors
Efficient generation of PowerPoint presentations with updated data
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