Google Cloud Platform Case Studies Acordo Certo's Transformation with Google Cloud: A Case Study on Data Intelligence and Machine Learning
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Acordo Certo's Transformation with Google Cloud: A Case Study on Data Intelligence and Machine Learning

Google Cloud Platform
Analytics & Modeling - Machine Learning
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Equipment & Machinery
Leasing Finance Automation
Smart Contracts
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Acordo Certo, a Brazilian financial services company, was facing significant challenges with its existing cloud services provider. The company's mission is to simplify debt tracking, negotiation, payment, and notification processes for defaulting consumers. However, the company's platform was experiencing performance issues, particularly with large-sized queries. The existing solution was costly, inefficient, and unable to deliver the desired results. The company needed a robust solution that could handle the vast amount of data generated by its nearly one million new subscriptions per month and dozens of billions of registrations. The company also needed to process this data to learn about consumer profiles and maintain customized, assertive communications with each of them.
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Acordo Certo is a financial services company based in Brazil. The company's mission is to deliver financial wellbeing for defaulting consumers by simplifying debt tracking, negotiation, payment, and notification processes. The company provides a digital, comfortable, end-to-end experience for its customers. Acordo Certo has over 40 partners and nearly one million new subscriptions per month on its platform, generating dozens of billions of registrations. The company uses data intelligence and machine learning to learn about consumer profiles and maintain customized, assertive communications with each of them.
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Acordo Certo migrated to Google Cloud's BigQuery, which provided easy, managed processing at scale. BigQuery became the company's data warehouse, consolidating data generated or imported by its internal systems. The company also adopted Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) for running the web app, which reduced the go-live time of new features to under five minutes. The company used preemptible virtual machines to handle unpredictable peaks in request volumes, resulting in a cost reduction of 80% compared with previous VMs. Acordo Certo also used Cloud Composer to organize and orchestrate over 200 jobs every day to update the database using partner files. This data was processed and transformed using BigQuery together with Dataflow, which responded to complex queries in under 10 seconds and provided validations on tables with billion-scale volumes. AutoML’s tools enabled training and scoring machine-learning models in about 30 minutes.
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The migration to Google Cloud solutions has transformed Acordo Certo's operations. The company has developed its own optimization tools using Google Cloud solutions, such as Pulse and Gatekeeper, to customize communications with consumers and import contract files, respectively. The easy development and deployment have had a direct impact on the business, enabling new features to be tested and adjusted in an agile way. The suite of machine-learning technologies used also enables increasingly relevant communications with customers. The company is also planning to adopt new tools and create more internal systems to continue meeting its goals of making debt payment easier, and helping consumers regain their financial wellbeing.
90% of the company’s cloud services are now in Google Cloud, with the rest to be migrated soon.
New features can be put in production in under five minutes.
Up to 80% cost reduction using preemptible virtual machines.
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