Persefoni Case Studies Achieving Sustainability Goals through IoT: A Case Study of Hoover CS
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Achieving Sustainability Goals through IoT: A Case Study of Hoover CS

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Logistics & Transportation
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
Fleet Management
Hoover CS, a global provider of sustainable industrial packaging and fleet management solutions, was committed to sustainability and aimed to provide 'more value with less waste'. They wanted to move their customers away from single-use containers. However, they faced a challenge in accurately measuring Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. This was crucial for them to assess their progress towards their internal climate goals, create reports for audits, stakeholder requests, and annual ESG reports. The complexity of their operations, spanning across multiple sites, countries, and states, made it difficult to gather and analyze the necessary data.
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Hoover CS is a leading provider of sustainable industrial packaging and fleet management solutions. They operate globally, with a strong presence in North America. Their customer base spans across the chemical, refining, and general industrial end markets. Sustainability is at the core of their operations, with a focus on providing more value with less waste. They aim to move their customers away from single-use containers and are committed to accurately measuring and reducing their Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.
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Hoover CS partnered with Persefoni, a platform that could hold the full range of their data in one place and present it via various dashboard views. Persefoni helped Hoover CS calculate and analyze the full carbon footprint of their global operations, which could then be shared with customers, used in various ESG reporting, and in audits. The data collected on the Persefoni platform allowed Hoover CS to clearly see its overall carbon footprint and make educated decisions on how, where, and when to reduce emissions. The partnership also led to a shift towards integrating software and programs with the Persefoni platform for a monthly data pull, automating the data collection process and significantly minimizing the time commitment from Hoover CS team members.
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The partnership with Persefoni has brought significant operational benefits to Hoover CS. The automation of the data collection process has freed up time for team members to focus more on operations and emissions reduction. The ability to hold all their data in one place and present it in various dashboard views has simplified the process of analyzing and reporting their emissions data. The platform has also enabled them to share their carbon footprint with customers and stakeholders, enhancing transparency. Furthermore, the use of additional modules like Persefoni’s Climate Trajectory Modeling has added further granularity to their decarbonization journey, maximizing their investment in the platform.
3 Years of Emissions Data calculated Across 7 sites, 3 countries, and 4 states
8000+ metric tons of CO2e in Scope 1-3 emissions measured
3x Improvement in Scope 1 data measurement
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