Qlik Case Studies Accurate data underpins services delivery
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Accurate data underpins services delivery

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Business Operation
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Predictive Quality Analytics
Data Science Services
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
The Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) in Australia is tasked with a broad undertaking that impacts the lives of every Australian citizen. It accumulates huge amounts of data from multiple sources, including early childhood care providers, schools, universities, registered training organizations and employment services providers. Understanding this data is essential for delivering a world-class education, skills and training and employment support infrastructure. However, DESE faced challenges with its data analytics approach. It needed to future-proof its approach with a scalable SaaS platform. The department also needed to eliminate data time lags to understand the current reality and provide data in an accessible, digestible and engaging format to end users.
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The Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) is an Australian government department responsible for a broad range of tasks. Its work begins when Australian children first enter kindergarten and carries on right through secondary schooling. It then delivers the skills, vocational training and higher education that maximize employment opportunities and strengthen the national economy. DESE’s work impacts the lives of every Australian citizen. The department accumulates huge amounts of data from multiple sources, including early childhood care providers, schools, universities, registered training organizations and employment services providers. This data is central to how the department functions, influencing government policy, informing operational decisions and supporting program management.
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Since 2017, DESE has held perpetual licensing for Qlik’s analytics platform. It has an internal Qlik team working to build apps and deliver projects to internal users and the public. A new licensing model was created in mid-2021 which took into consideration the department’s current usage and its plans for growth over the next three years. The model covered both Qlik Cloud and Client Managed (CM), designed to assist DESE in its move to the cloud. It allowed the department to take its time and pick the best deployment route depending on the data requirements, app by app. The Qlik platform enabled DESE to present contemporary data and eliminated up to a 12-month time lag. DESE was able to develop an app and share it with state governments. The app enabled states to see the number of people requesting help from local employment services each day.
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Provides more accurate accessible information to users faster and more efficiently
Frees data specialists to concentrate on more sophisticated corporate data
Enables the most appropriate program management or policy advice to government
Eliminated up to a 12-month time lag in data presentation
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