N-iX Case Studies Accelerating Digital Transformation for a Global Fashion Retailer
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Accelerating Digital Transformation for a Global Fashion Retailer

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Event-Driven Application
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Construction & Infrastructure
Product Research & Development
Sales & Marketing
Construction Management
Inventory Management
System Integration
Testing & Certification

The client, a leading global fashion retailer, was in the midst of a digital transformation journey. The challenge was to improve their existing legacy systems and develop new tools to accelerate this transformation. The legacy promotion management system, a desktop application used to manage promotions, lacked flexibility and could not keep up with the company's needs. It involved the use of several programs, and the client needed a unified app that would allow them to create an end-to-end promotion process. Additionally, the client required the development of a proposal management system for buyers. The buyers used excel tables and manually entered data to create proposals of goods they needed in their shops, including their quantity and the time when they needed them. The client wanted to reduce the amount of manual work and automate this process.

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The client is one of the world's largest fashion retailers with multiple brands selling in over 200 markets. They operate through thousands of stores and an online platform. The client was in the middle of a digital transformation journey, aiming to improve efficiency and automate internal processes and systems. Among the processes that needed improvement was the client's legacy promotion management system, which lacked flexibility and could not keep up with the company's needs. The client also required the development of a proposal management system for buyers, a group of people managing the promotion process.

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The N-iX team redesigned the existing promotion management system into a microservices architecture and developed a new proposal management system. For the promotion management system, the team designed a microservices architecture to ensure app scalability. They applied the “Hello production!” approach, configured all the environments, set up the CI/CD pipeline, and implemented the QC automation process from scratch. The team also integrated the system with over 40 services to align with all the client's processes. For the proposal management system, the team designed the architecture of the entire solution, released the MVP in three sprints, and moved on to the development of a full-fledged app. The app integrates with 10 services and a database in MariaDB was designed and created. The team also introduced API and UI automation tests, with unit tests covering over 65% of the entire code.

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The new solutions developed by the N-iX team have significantly improved business efficiency by automating many processes and reducing required manual work. The promotion management system replaced multiple applications and significantly accelerated the process of managing promotions. The proposal management system automated the manual process of creating proposals, significantly accelerating the buyers' work. The microservices architecture of the promotion management system allows for easy scaling of the solution to other countries. The ability to create drafts and approval flow has reduced manual work. The 'Hello, production' approach validated the suitability of the system’s initial infrastructure requirements and the release processes needed to get code running with that infrastructure, providing the team with feedback on what’s required to get any new infrastructure up and running in production.

Unit tests cover over 65% of the entire code, reducing the risk of bugs and errors.

The promotion management system integrates with over 40 services, ensuring alignment with all the client's processes.

The proposal management system integrates with 10 services, aligning with the client's processes.

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