ECI Software Solutions Case Studies A SMALL SHOP SURVIVES A BIG HIT Thanks in part to E2 Manufacturing System
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A SMALL SHOP SURVIVES A BIG HIT Thanks in part to E2 Manufacturing System

ECI Software Solutions
Functional Applications - Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
Oil & Gas
Discrete Manufacturing
Manufacturing System Automation
System Integration
Bhurjee Industries, a small job shop in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, faced a significant challenge during the economic downturn in 2014. Many shops in their area were closing, and the company was struggling to keep up with the influx of work. The company was also transitioning to focus on their own product, customized mounting kits for the oil and gas industry. These kits required multi-fit parts that could accommodate a wide variety of valve and actuator brands. Managing the ins and outs of 300-400 jobs at a time was proving to be a logistical nightmare.
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Bhurjee Industries is a small job shop based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The company is run by Raj Bhurjee, the Operations Manager, who comes from a long line of machinists, shop owners, and tech-savvy engineers. The company has a strong focus on technological advancement, a trait Raj attributes to his father's love of technology. Bhurjee Industries specializes in creating customized mounting kits for the oil and gas industry. These kits are designed to fit a wide variety of valves and actuators, providing a versatile solution for their customers. Despite the small size of the company, with just 8 employees, Bhurjee Industries is described as strong, advanced, flexible, and innovative.
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In the midst of the economic downturn, Bhurjee Industries made the decision to invest in the E2 Manufacturing System. This management software system allowed the company to keep up with the increased workload resulting from other shops in the area closing. The E2 Manufacturing System also provided significant benefits in managing the production of their customized mounting kits. The Quality Module of the system helped with ISO audits and ensured the delivery of quality products on time. The system also provided accurate estimates of job costs and timing, ensuring competitiveness in the market. The E2 Manufacturing System enabled Bhurjee Industries to develop into a self-assemble shop, effectively managing the numerous jobs running at any given time.
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The E2 Manufacturing System allowed Bhurjee Industries to manage an increased workload during an economic downturn.
The Quality Module of the system helped with ISO audits and ensured the delivery of quality products on time.
The system provided accurate estimates of job costs and timing, ensuring competitiveness in the market.
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