IBM Case Studies A military team turns complex human terrain data into intelligence
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A military team turns complex human terrain data into intelligence

Analytics & Modeling - Data Mining
National Security & Defense
Logistics & Transportation
Predictive Maintenance
Data Science Services
The military team, stationed in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, was tasked with collecting, analyzing, and disseminating large volumes of data used to develop human terrain intelligence in the battle against insurgents. The team comprised five companies with subunits occupying their own areas of operation. The large geographical area involved encompasses a wide and varied population amongst whom the insurgents can operate. Each subunit passes data up the intelligence chain for fusion with other data and further exploitation. Previous methods of channeled data did not facilitate the rapid fusion of intelligence needed to drive intelligence-led operations. The team needed a solution that would ingest large volumes of complex data for analysis, minimize duplicate efforts, and maximize corroboration.
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The customer in this case study is a specialized military team stationed in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. The team is tasked with collecting, analyzing, and disseminating large volumes of data used to develop human terrain intelligence in the battle against insurgents. The team comprises five companies with subunits occupying their own areas of operation. The large geographical area involved encompasses a wide and varied population amongst whom the insurgents can operate. Each subunit passes data up the intelligence chain for fusion with other data and further exploitation.
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The military team implemented IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook software in its quest to best take advantage of gathered intelligence in its counterinsurgency efforts. Each subunit enters its gathered intelligence, contributing to the hundreds of rows of data that the overall team inputs daily for deeper analysis and exploitation. The i2 Analyst’s Notebook software helps the team fuse this data, from multiple sources in varied formats, for fast analysis and exploitation. The i2 Analyst’s Notebook software helps the team convert the disparate data into a cohesive intelligence picture, reducing duplicate efforts and facilitating information corroboration and sharing. The implementation of the i2 Analyst’s Notebook software has helped the team identify patterns that may have otherwise gone unnoticed, allowing them to recognize and deliberately disrupt insurgent activity.
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Facilitates intelligence exploitation by integrating and simplifying disparate data from multiple sources
Provides an integrated intelligence picture, helping to reduce duplication and support collaboration through integration
Helps identify previously unnoticed patterns and connections through advanced analytical capabilities
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