IBM Case Studies A major US communications company fights theft and billing fraud
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A major US communications company fights theft and billing fraud

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Business Operation
Fraud Detection
Data Science Services
The major US communications company was facing significant losses due to equipment theft from online and retail spaces as well as fraudulent insider billing schemes. These criminal activities were constantly evolving, requiring the company to stay highly adaptable and proactive in its fraud and theft detection and prevention efforts. The company was losing billions of dollars to the black market when smartphones were stolen and multiyear service contracts were not secured. Malicious acts including submitting incomplete invoices, overbilling and overcharging for a lesser product were also costing the company money. The company needed to improve its ability to ingest large volumes of data from multiple sources and integrate that data for visualization to improve its fraud prevention and detection platform.
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The customer is a major communications company based in New York City, United States. Founded in 1983, the company provides services across the country. With more than 188,000 employees, the organization serves 255 million customers and posted revenue in excess of USD110 billion in 2011. The company faces significant challenges in dealing with fraud and theft, with major criminal threats including equipment theft from online and retail spaces as well as fraudulent insider billing schemes. These activities have the potential to cost the company billions of dollars.
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To strengthen its fraud detection, prediction and prevention processes, the communications company upgraded to the IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis platform. This platform helped the company improve audit functions, previously sourced to 12 countries, and perform them in-house. The solution significantly enhanced additional aspects of fraud detection and prevention. Improvement of data import functions combined with better linkage and visual analysis expanded the i2 Analyst’s Notebook software’s capabilities for examining insider billing and financial schemes. The new system can ingest multiple data sources and quickly, accurately integrate both structured and unstructured data. The company has gained a platform that provides a tighter integration of all fraud detection capabilities, cleaner and better quality data, and more streamlined workflows for better detection and prevention of fraud and theft schemes.
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Provides a stronger, more cohesive fraud and theft detection, prediction and prevention platform
Helps the company stay ahead of constantly evolving fraud schemes
Improves import capabilities for multisource data in various formats
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