Sweep Case Studies 2050's Emission Calculation: A Venture Capital Firm's Approach to Carbon Management
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2050's Emission Calculation: A Venture Capital Firm's Approach to Carbon Management

Finance & Insurance
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
Inventory Management
2050, a Paris-based venture capital firm, faced a significant challenge in managing and reducing the carbon footprint of their investment portfolio. As a financial organization, the majority of their carbon emissions, often over 90%, come from their investments. This is a common issue for venture capital and private equity funds. The challenge lies in coordinating the measurement and reduction of emissions across all the companies they've invested in. The difficulty is twofold: obtaining complete and consistent data from all investees and convincing these portfolio companies to regularly engage in carbon management work. Despite the resistance from many investment organizations to tackle their scope 3 emissions, the impending new regulations on carbon reporting and the low-carbon transition necessitate this hurdle to be overcome.
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2050 is an impact-driven venture capital firm based in Paris, France. With a team of 10 employees, they operate in the financial services industry. Launched in 2020, 2050 invests in companies that address social, financial, and environmental issues. They recently published their first annual carbon report for 2021 and are part of Climate Act, a community of over 300 companies that are committed to measuring, reducing, and reporting their emissions publicly.
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To address this challenge, 2050 turned to carbon management software, specifically choosing Sweep. This software optimizes data collection and exchange processes, a crucial feature for a coordination exercise of this magnitude. With Sweep, 2050 can get an accurate and granular picture of the emissions coming from each portfolio company, moving away from rough estimates based on the level of share ownership. The software also saves time and resources by using automation features to collect data across teams, suppliers, and investees. Additionally, it provides all portfolio companies with a free opportunity to measure, track, and report their scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, while also educating them about carbon management.
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