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Guides Use Cases Warranty as a competitive differentiator in manufacturing

Warranty as a competitive differentiator in manufacturing

Published on 05/30/2017 | Use Cases

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Accelerating the Adoption of Industrial Internet of Things.


Manufacturers spend significant amounts of money on research and development (R&D) to create new products. Unfortunately, globalization and technology have made imitation of products easier. Seeing competitors imitating their new products is a nightmare for manufacturers. Today, manufacturers cannot be assured of profits by only creating a compelling product. In fact, it is only an essential first step. Increased revenues and higher margins would be possible only when manufacturers will be able to differentiate their offerings in the market.

While marketing is an essential arrow in the quiver towards this, another important arrow that manufacturers can leverage is warranty. Post-sale assurances in the form of warranties are a crucial part of enhancing customer experience, adding brand value and differentiation.

This paper looks at the various aspects that need to be considered while developing a comprehensive, well thought-out warranty strategy.


You can read and download the full original report on WiPro here

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